- Awards
- All
- Æthelmearc
- An Tir
- Artemisia
- Atenveldt
- Atlantia
- Caid
- Calontir
- Drachenwald
- Ealdormere
- Lochac
- Meridies
- Northshield
- Outlands
- The East
- The Middle
- The West
- Trimaris
- The Jomsviking was given to those who have supported the army of the Principality of Lochac in any significant manner.
- from Lochac
- abbreviation: OJ
Award abreviations listed in Canon Lore are not authoritative, as many Kingdoms (including Lochac) do not specify abbreviations for awards. Where specified by Kingdom Law, such award abbreviations used are used (sometimes modified by addition of a kingdom), where absent, abbreviations have been made up.
Roll of Arms, alphabetical
- Annifere Ver dubh MacAlpin on 4 October 1998 from Prince Alfar IV and Princess Elspeth II
- Bohemond Drakerath of Wadestone on 22 November 1998 from Prince Alfar IV and Princess Elspeth II
- Dougal of Landewednak on 14 November 1998 from Prince Alfar IV and Princess Elspeth II
- Khalil al-Jili on 11 July 1998 from Prince Boris I and Princess Constance I
- Semeon Aleksandrovich Dragon on 5 September 1998 from Prince Alfar IV and Princess Elspeth II
- Wolfgang Maramon Blackthorn on 29 August 1998 from Prince Alfar IV and Princess Elspeth II