- Reigns and tenures
- All
- Æthelmearc
- An Tir
- Artemisia
- Atenveldt
- Atlantia
- Caid
- Calontir
- Drachenwald
- Ealdormere
- Lochac
- Meridies
- Outlands
- The East
- The Mists
- The West
Baronial tenures
- Aneala
- Ildhafn
- Innilgard
- Kraé Glas
- Mordenvale
- Politarchopolis
- River Haven
- Rowany
- Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière
- Southron Gaard
- Stormhold
- Ynys Fawr
- Reigns and tenures in the Canon Lore database: 412
- Date of last change to this database: Sunday, 30 March 2025