- Awards
- All
- Æthelmearc
- An Tir
- Artemisia
- Atenveldt
- Atlantia
- Caid
- Calontir
- Drachenwald
- Ealdormere
- Lochac
- Meridies
- Northshield
- Outlands
- The East
- The Middle
- The West
- Trimaris
- The Hirth of Calontir is composed of several separate but equal branches. An individual may be a granted membership in more than one branch. Members of the Hirth are known as Huscarls. The Order of the Iren-Hirth is awarded to those capable of fighting with all weapons styles, with expertise in at least two. They must have supported the Calontir army during interkingdom conflicts, and must demonstrate a high level of activity, provide leadership and instruction, and must always display unquestionable honor on and off the field. Huscarls of the Iren-Hirth may bear the badge of the Iren-Hirth: Per chevron embattled sable and argent, two battle-axes in saltire argent and a cross of Calatrava purpure. This order also conveys a Grant of Arms.
- from Calontir
- abbreviation: HIH
Award abreviations listed in Canon Lore are not authoritative, as many Kingdoms (including Lochac) do not specify abbreviations for awards. Where specified by Kingdom Law, such award abbreviations used are used (sometimes modified by addition of a kingdom), where absent, abbreviations have been made up.