- Awards
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- An Tir
- Artemisia
- Atenveldt
- Atlantia
- Caid
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- Drachenwald
- Ealdormere
- Lochac
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- Trimaris
Silver Guard
- The Order of the Silver Guard is awarded by the Kingdom of Drachenwald to those members who have distinguished themselves by chivalry and prowess at arms. Although most of the members of the order are heavy weapon fighters, the Order also includes fencers and archers. The badge of this Order is: (Tinctureless) a silver wrist-guard bearing a dragon passant coward, wings addorsed, maintaining in dexter forepaw a sword erect. This award confers an Award of Arms upon the recipient if they are not yet armigerous.
- from Drachenwald
- abbreviation: OSiG
Award abreviations listed in Canon Lore are not authoritative, as many Kingdoms (including Lochac) do not specify abbreviations for awards. Where specified by Kingdom Law, such award abbreviations used are used (sometimes modified by addition of a kingdom), where absent, abbreviations have been made up.
Roll of Arms, by date
- Wolfram Flammenherz on 22 February 1986 from
- Morgan fitzArthur de Grey on 30 April 1988 from
- Leifr Hrólfsson on 29 November 2003 from
- Alaric of Bangor on 22 August 2009 from
- Rainer Wulfgar on 8 December 2012 from
- Elffin of Mona on 29 November 2014 from
- Duncan Kerr on 22 June 2018 from