Here's how to tell the Crown that Jane of Ildhafn deserves an award:
- In the large space below, tell Their Majesties what it is about this person that makes them special. Is it a single event or a list as long as your arm? Describe it. Let them know what you know.
- If you know just the award that fits, suggest it. If you don't, don't worry; the Royals will think of something suitable.
- Identify yourself, so the Crown know who you are and can consider their response accordingly.
- Provide your email address. If you don't do this, Their Majesties will be unable to reply to clarify details or thank you for your input. Don't worry about protecting your anonymity: our Royalty keep an awful lot of secrets, so they're not going to blab about this. Think of it as doctor/patient confidentiality without the bulk billing.
- Click the Send button. The message will be send immediately.
To Their Majesties the Crown of Lochac...
Please remember: the Crown won't know who this message comes from unless you tell them. If you want dialogue instead of monologue, please leave your name and a valid email address.