Awards Received at Winterfeast
- Adrienne Fildyng de Faux, Silver Tear from Prince Cornelius I and Princess Morwynna I
- Ana de Vuallachia, Mouse Guard from Prince Cornelius I and Princess Morwynna I
- Ater of Sarum, Roman Lilies from Prince Cornelius I and Princess Morwynna I
- Claas Jongkrijger de Leeuw, Award of Arms from Prince Cornelius I and Princess Morwynna I
- Dafydd of the Glens, Silver Tear from Prince Cornelius I and Princess Morwynna I
- Eleanor Lyttellhayles, Rowan from Prince Cornelius I and Princess Morwynna I
- Magdalen y Csejthe, Award of Arms from Prince Cornelius I and Princess Morwynna I
- Piers of Malmesbury, Award of Arms from Prince Cornelius I and Princess Morwynna I
- Sarah de Bourgogne, Award of Arms from Prince Cornelius I and Princess Morwynna I
- Snorri Blódhdrekkr ór Ódhinslundi, Roman Lilies from Prince Cornelius I and Princess Morwynna I
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