Red & White - A Day of Chivalry and Courtly Love
Awards Received at Red & White - A Day of Chivalry and Courtly Love
- Aiden Gilchrist, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Carlosis of Braidwood, Silver Nock from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Celia the Fair, Silver Tear from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Draco de Euruic, Silver Sword from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Ela de Areci, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Esclarmonde de La Tour, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Karl Anders, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Katherine Alicia of Sarum, Roman Lilies from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Kitan von Falkenberg, Silver Helm from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Leylii bint Hızır, Roman Lilies from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Lorcan of River Haven, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Marion de Pax Ford, Roman Lilies from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Mevanwy verch Llywelyn, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Steven Eledge, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Wilfrid of Sumersæte, Silver Nock from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Wilfrid of Sumersæte, Roman Lilies from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
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