Canterbury Faire
Awards Received at Canterbury Faire
- Amalie von Brisache, Laurel on 1 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Aveline Goupil, Golden Tear on 1 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Diego Alonso Moreno, Golden Tear on 2 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Helewys Myrie, Silver Pegasus on 1 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Isabell Winter, Cockatrice on 1 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Joana de Bairros, Prometheus on 2 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Katherine Elys of Glastonbury, Star and Lily on 2 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Lani of Southron Gaard, Award of Arms on 2 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Ludwig von Regensburg, Taillefer on 2 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Ludwig von Regensburg, Rapier on 2 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Mark the Archer, Award of Arms on 1 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Noeleena of Southron Gaard, Award of Arms on 1 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Oswyn Carolus, Golden Tear on 2 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Robert Dolby, Award of Arms on 2 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Ronan mac Briain, Prometheus on 1 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Vettoria di Giovanni da Verona, Silver Pegasus on 1 February 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
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