Stormhold Royal Visit and Feast through Time
Awards Received at Stormhold Royal Visit and Feast through Time
- Airdin Mac Dara, Award of Arms from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Catriona McLeod, Award of Arms from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Eleanora de la Birche, Leaf of Merit from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Gwynfor Lwyd, Silver Tear from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Gwyon Llangenach, Silver Tear from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Juliana Gladewyn, Award of Arms from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Osanna Katzgraw von der Tann, Award of Arms from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Roisin Cinnsealach, Award of Arms from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Senena verch Maelgwn ap Rys, Silver Tear from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Sui Zo, Leaf of Merit from King Fabian V and Queen Susan (The West)
- Theresa Cummins, Award of Arms from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Thomas Flamanc of Kelsale, Leaf of Merit from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Ulvar MacVanis, Award of Arms from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
- Yvonne de Plumetot, Roman Lilies from Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled
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