Mordenvale Newcomers
Awards Received at Mordenvale Newcomers
- Alessandra de Messina, Rose Leaf from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Balthazaar Karamak, Silver Tear from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Emma Mills, Award of Arms from King Uther IV and Queen Portia (The West)
- Gilchrist Morgan, Roman Lilies from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Gwen ferch Rhys, Rose Leaf from King Uther IV and Queen Portia (The West)
- Johannes of Mordenvale, Award of Arms from King Uther IV and Queen Portia (The West)
- Leta von Goslar, Roman Lilies from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Morwenna of Helston, Roman Lilies from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Ragnar Magnússon, Western Lily from King Uther IV and Queen Portia (The West)
- Sabine de Bernewelle, Award of Arms from King Uther IV and Queen Portia (The West)
- Wolfran of Oak Dale, Award of Arms from King Uther IV and Queen Portia (The West)
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