September Baronial
Awards Received at September Baronial
- Alaric of Bangor, Golden Tear from King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I
- Aleyd Lubeck, Award of Arms from King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I
- Ástríðr in hárfagra, Award of Arms from King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I
- Félice d'Avignon, Court Barony from King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I
- Gryffyd Ruddlan, Rowan from King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I
- Guilliaume Lavet, Award of Arms from King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I
- Manfred von Faulkenberg, Court Barony from King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I
- Mynjon du Jardin, Award of Arms from King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I
- Reiana of St Florian, Award of Arms from King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I
- Villiame Bryson of Argyle, Award of Arms from King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I
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