Great Northern War A.S. LI
Awards Received at Great Northern War A.S. LI
- Ant Blowme of Saint Cloud, Pelican on 11 June 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Brynjolf Eberhardt, Award of Arms on 12 June 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Celia the Fair, Silver Pegasus on 12 June 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Dorothea Kikipenny, Award of Arms on 12 June 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Dorothye Torr, Golden Tear on 13 June 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Gregorius Þorvaldsson, Golden Tear on 13 June 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Josseline de la Cour, Pelican on 12 June 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Knútr Trésmiðr, Award of Arms on 12 June 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Lucien du Mont, Award of Arms on 12 June 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Olivia dei Medici, Golden Tear on 12 June 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Rafail Boiak, Golden Tear on 12 June 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
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