Anealan Baronial Investiture
- held 2 Nov 2024
- at Garvey Park Fauntleroy Ave, Ascot WA 6104 and Tuart Hill Community Hall Cnr of Cape and Stoneham St, Tuart Hill WA 6060
- hosted by Aneala
- presiding royalty: King Bain and Queen Iglesia.
Awards Received at Anealan Baronial Investiture
- Agostino Tamburini, Court Barony from King Bain and Queen Iglesia
- Aífe ingen Echdach, Golden Tear from King Bain and Queen Iglesia
- Arabella de Darlington, Golden Tear from King Bain and Queen Iglesia
- Bryony Everling, Award of Arms from King Bain and Queen Iglesia
- Crettienne de Leu DuPont, Award of Arms from King Bain and Queen Iglesia
- Elizabeth Rowe, Court Barony from King Bain and Queen Iglesia
- Frosti af Ulfahol, Award of Arms from King Bain and Queen Iglesia
- Hob Gob-lin de la Roche, Award of Arms from King Bain and Queen Iglesia
- Thorfin of Ulfahol, Award of Arms from King Bain and Queen Iglesia
- Violetta Vasari, Laurel from King Bain and Queen Iglesia
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