Celia the Fair
- see device in Lochac Roll of Arms
- resident of River Haven
- formerly or alternatively known as Caelia the Fair
- 310th in sequence in the Order of Precedence
- Ruled as Baroness of River Haven with Baron Somerled of Redcliffe from 16 November 2002 to 22 July 2006
Award of Arms - 17 October 1998
Silver Tear - 16 February 2002
Golden Tear - 11 September 2004
Royal Cypher - 8 July 2006
Court Barony - 22 July 2006
Rowan - 23 July 2006
Pelican - 12 June 2010
Royal Cypher - 10 July 2010
Royal Cypher - 16 January 2016
Silver Pegasus - 12 June 2016