This is the Order of Precedence for the kingdom of Lochac. Everyone in the database who's received an award is listed, in order according to their highest ranking award and the date they received it. More important awards (peerages, counties, duchies) come before less important ones like AoAs and Cockatrices. Where there's a tiebreaker required, it comes down to the precedence and dates of the other awards they've received. We list here the highest award and the number of other awards they have, for comparison. Unfortunately, awards listed in Canon Lore without a specific date received are unable to be used in calculating the Order of Precedence.
An Order of Precedence for a specific branch can be found in the branch's entry in Canon Lore. The Order of Precedence can be filtered to include residents of a particular region (Australia, New Zealand or Overseas) by clicking one of the regional options in the sidebar.
- 301. Gwir ferch Madog (OP + 8)
- 302. Nathan Blacktower (OP + 16)
- 303. Catalina de Gata (OP + 5)
- 304. Isobel le Bretoun (OP + 9)
- 305. William Castille (OP + 10)
- 306. William de Cameron (OP + 10)
- 307. Joie Tigre d'Argentona (OL + 9)
- 308. Seger Boom (OL + 2)
- 309. Celia the Fair (OP + 9)
- 310. Gilchrist Morgan (OP + 14)
- 311. Tomas Askelson (OC + 8)
- 312. Táriq ibn Jelal ibn Ziyadatallah al-Naysábúrí (OL + 10)
- 313. Kitan von Falkenberg (OC + 19)
- 314. Varndell Lynche (OP + 20)
- 315. Jon Dai of the Lane (OC + 8)
- 316. William de Wyke (OL + 9)
- 317. Thomas Flamanc of Kelsale (OL + 8)
- 318. Ysambart Courtin (OC + 9)
- 319. Pádraig Lowther (OP + 7)
- 320. Owen van Norden (OL + 11)
- 321. Antonia di Lorenzo (OL + 6)
- 322. Giles Leabrook (OP + 17)
- 323. Sara van den Hove (OP + 5)
- 324. Yevan de Leeds (OP + 12)
- 325. Ulf Skeggison (OL + 11)
- 326. Sigrid Olafsdottir (OL + 12)
- 327. Edward Braythwayte (OL + 8)
- 328. Teffania de Tuckerton (OL + 9)
- 329. Tamsyn Northover (OP + 4)
- 330. ffride wlffsdotter (OL + 10)
- 331. Amalie von Brisache (OL + 7)
- 332. Wulfgar jarnsiða (OC + 14)
- 333. Andrew Daniels of Brockwood (OC + 5)
- 334. Waldo Turner (OP + 7)
- 335. Maud la leitiere (OP + 13)
- 336. Leoba of Lecelade (OL + 3)
- 337. Lillian d'Ath (OP + 10)
- 338. Ava del Mas (OP + 6)
- 339. Ellie Annasdottir (OC + 20)
- 340. Stigh Joghensson (OC + 9)
- 341. Grim of Thornby (OL + 11)
- 342. Gustaf Rikardsson (OC + 9)
- 343. Lukas von Ach (OC + 11)
- 344. Elena le Breustere (OL + 6)
- 345. Clara van der Maes (OL + 7)
- 346. Rurik farserkr (OL + 4)
- 347. Dimitrii Borodinskii (OP + 13)
- 348. Orri Vígleiksson (OP + 14)
- 349. Heilwich Gheerts (OL + 11)
- 350. Álfgeirr Agnarsson (OP + 6)
- 351. Eloise Darnell (OL + 5)
- 352. William Forester de Blacwode (OL + 12)
- 353. Collette de Harecourt (OP + 12)
- 354. Katherne Rischer (OP + 10)
- 355. Damian Greybeard (OoD + 13)
- 356. Caleb Adolphus (OoD + 3)
- 357. Isabella de Bordeaux (OP + 6)
- 358. Mikail Azadan Askoldovich (OP + 7)
- 359. Ursula Von Memmingen (OL + 5)
- 360. Magnus Thorbjarnarson (OP + 13)
- 361. Katherine Alicia of Sarum (OL + 11)
- 362. Guthfrith Yrlingsson (OL + 6)
- 363. Sláine inghean Uí Ruadháin (OP + 6)
- 364. Iosbail inghean Mhartainn mhic Dhonnchaidh (OL + 4)
- 365. François Henri Guyon (OoD + 12)
- 366. Alexandra Hartshorne (OL + 6)
- 367. Clement von Arlon (OC + 10)
- 368. Gertrud von Ritzebüttel (OL + 7)
- 369. Anna de Wilde (OP + 12)
- 370. Aliena de Savigny (OL + 7)
- 371. Ginevra Isabella di Serafino Visconti (OP + 12)
- 372. Gomez de Crécy (OoD + 9)
- 373. Ailis inghean Mheadhbha (OL + 18)
- 374. Danielis de Luni (OP + 4)
- 375. Gilbert de Walghop (OoD + 5)
- 376. Owain Cantor ap Hughe (OoD + 6)
- 377. Ant Blowme of Saint Cloud (OP + 9)
- 378. Josseline de la Cour (OP + 11)
- 379. Anne de Tournai (OP + 17)
- 380. Leif Magnússon (OP + 5)
- 381. Hugh de Calais (OL + 5)
- 382. Emrys Tudur (OoD + 11)
- 383. Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye (OoD + 13)
- 384. Victoria Thrakesina (OL + 3)
- 385. Clara Bone-Aventure (OP + 6)
- 386. Hróðný Aradóttir (OP + 14)
- 387. Angus MacDougall of Mordenvale (OL + 8)
- 388. Lucia delli Fenice (OP + 3)
- 389. Thomas Bacchus (OP + 8)
- 390. Yvonne de Plumetot (OP + 10)
- 391. Brían dorcha ua Conaill (OL + 7)
- 392. Richard d'Allier (OP + 10)
- 393. David de Darlington (OP + 8)
- 394. Henry Fox (OoD + 10)
- 395. Domenego Ferrante di Aldobrando (OP + 4)
- 396. James Douglas (OP + 6)
- 397. Nicodemus Novello (OP + 10)
- 398. Angus Galbraith (OoD + 6)
- 399. Ceara Shionnach (OP + 22)
- 400. Aveline Goupil (OP + 4)