Edmund Alekonner
- Award of Arms
- given by Prince Ædward and Princess Yolande,
- on 7 November 1999,
- at Spring Coronet AS XXXIV (6-7 Nov 1999 at Cottermouth Scout Camp, Stromlo, ACT, AU).
- Roman Lilies
- given by Prince Boris II and Princess Constance II,
- on 9 September 2000,
- at Politarchopolis Baronial Investiture (9-10 Sep 2000 at Causeway Hall, Kingston, ACT, AU).
- Silver Helm
- given by King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I,
- on 8 May 2004,
- at May Crown (8 May 2004 at Edison Park, Woden & Hughes City Hall, Hughes, ACT, AU).
- Court Barony
- given by King Draco II and Queen Asa II,
- on 2 September 2006,
- at Politarchopolis Baronial Changeover (2-3 Sep 2006 at Tuggeranong Archery Club, Tuggeranong & Wesley Church Centre, Forrest & First Canberra Scout Hall, Braddon (Canberra), ACT, AU.).
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