Helene du Puy
- Award of Arms
- given by Prince Ragnar and Princess Bliss,
- on 9 August 1997,
- at Manzikert Memorial Feast (9 Aug 1997).
- Rose Leaf
- given by King Uther IV and Queen Portia (The West),
- on 12 January 2002,
- at Twelfth Night Investiture AS XXXVI (12 Jan 2002 at JH Kaye Scout Training Centre, Heathcote, NSW, AU.).
- Star and Lily
- given by King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I,
- on 7 December 2002,
- at Rowany Yule AS XXXVII (7 Dec 2002 at Sydney).
- Laurel
- given by King Stephen and Queen Mathilde,
- on 26 March 2005,
- at Rowany Festival XXIII (24-29 Mar 2005 at Crossroads Medieval Village, Yass, NSW, AU).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Ædward II and Queen Yolande II,
- on 11 June 2006,
- at Cold War goes Forth (10-11 Jun 2006 at Tara Girl Guides Camp, Silverdale, NSW AU).
- Grant of Arms
- given by King Alfar II and Queen Gudrun II,
- on 16 June 2007,
- at Rowany Baronial Investiture (16 Jun 2007 at Imar Community Hall, Croydon (Sydney), NSW, AU).
- Court Barony
- given by King Alfar II and Queen Gudrun II,
- on 16 June 2007,
- at Rowany Baronial Investiture (16 Jun 2007 at Imar Community Hall, Croydon (Sydney), NSW, AU).
- Queen's Cypher
- given by King Berenger and Queen Bethan,
- on 4 July 2008,
- at Lochac Midwinter Coronation (4-6 Jul 2008 at Camp Leschenaultia, Chidlow, WA, AU).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Theuderic I and Queen Engelin I,
- on 4 July 2009,
- at Midwinter Coronation (4-5 Jul 2009 at Abbotsford Convent, Abbotsford, Melbourne, VIC, AU).
- Golden Tear
- given by King Gilbert and Queen Bethony,
- on 25 March 2016,
- at Rowany Festival XXXIV, AS L (24-28 Mar 2016 at Camp Wombaroo, High Range, NSW 2575 ).
- Pelican
- given by King Ariston and Queen Lilavati,
- on 15 April 2017,
- at Rowany Festival XXXV (13-18 Apr 2017 at Camp Wombaroo, High Range, NSW).
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