Martin de Mont Blanc
- see device in Lochac Roll of Arms
- resident of Politarchopolis
- 793rd in sequence in the Order of Precedence
- Award of Arms
- given by Prince Styvyn and Princess Rhyllian,
- on 9 December 1989,
- at Martial Day and Outdoor Feast (9 Dec 1989 at Girl Guides Camp, Roches Beach TAS).
- Leaf of Merit
- given by Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith,
- on 24 October 1992,
- at The Royal Feast (24 Oct 1992 at Domain House, Glebe TAS).
- Silver Tear
- given by Prince Brusi and Princess Catherine,
- on 10 July 1993,
- at Brass Monkey War and Baronial Investiture (9-11 Jul 1993 at Black Stumps Recreational Facility, Gowrie Park TAS).