These are all the people whose names start with P who have ever received an award in Lochac, as far as the Canon database knows. Please notify the Canon Herald of any omissions or errors.
- Paddy (former/alternate name of Pádraig Lowther)
- Padraic Lowther (former/alternate name of Pádraig Lowther)
- Padraig Fermoy
- Pádraig Lowther
- Pádraig Ravensblood
- Pagan le Chaunster (former/alternate name of Alys de Wilton)
- Pagan of Southron Gaard (former/alternate name of Alys de Wilton)
- Paidin MacLorkan
- Pall i Jorvik
- Pantero Pantera di Valembrosa
- Patri de Buck (former/alternate name of Patry de Buck)
- Patric of Mordenvale
- Patricia Blackthorne
- Patricia of Bastion
- Patrick of Southron Gaard
- Patrick Shannon
- Patry de Buck
- Paul de la Ville
- Paul of Abbotsford (former/alternate name of Aelfgifu of Abbotsford)
- Paul of Bellatrix
- Paul of Kraé Glas (former/alternate name of Paul de la Ville)
- Paul Raymondsen
- Paul the Taller
- Paulo Emeil de la Mache
- Pax il Demnio
- Pedair MacPharlain na Cluaine Bige
- Pedair na Cluaine Bige (former/alternate name of Pedair MacPharlain na Cluaine Bige)
- Pedro de Gerro (former/alternate name of Pedro del Gerro)
- Pedro del Gerro
- Pedro Fernandez
- Pedro of Ynys Fawr
- Pelagia Aldinoch
- Penne Gwin Shepherd
- Penny of Politarchopolis
- Percival Fausyde (former/alternate name of Caoimhe Reamhar)
- Percy Valentine
- Peregrine ap Gwynfor
- Peregrine Flamstead
- Perran of Lyskyret
- Perrin of Ynys Fawr
- Persephone of the Beehive
- Peter æt Séolesigge
- Peter D'Gaunt Noir (former/alternate name of Suleiman ibn Turgut ibn Arslan)
- Peter du Gant Noir (former/alternate name of Suleiman ibn Turgut ibn Arslan)
- Peter MacAskill of Skye
- Peter MacKaskill
- Peter of Saint John
- Peter of Smithfield
- Peter the Dark of Riga
- Peter the Sinister
- Peter the Uncertain
- Petronilla Fairwif of Horsford
- Petros Philanthripinos Kalothetos
- Phaedra de Courcelles
- Phalkon Ietēs
- Phèdre de Caravalle (former/alternate name of Phaedra de Courcelles)
- Philip de Ravenshagh
- Philip McAldin of Cape Wrath
- Philip of Okewaite
- Philip of Richmond
- Philip of Southwark
- Philip Oneeye
- Philip vom Kalenberg
- Philipe du Lac
- Philipe du lac Bleu (former/alternate name of Philipe du Lac)
- Philippa Bengrych
- Philippa de Berry (former/alternate name of Fabia Maxima)
- Philippa Wildefuhel
- Philippe de Carrillon (former/alternate name of Clarel Belton)
- Philippe de Tournay
- Phillip Harlech of Exeter
- Phillip of Erracht
- Phillip of Southward
- Phillip of Ynys Fawr (former/alternate name of Philip de Ravenshagh)
- Phillip Svartson
- Phillip vom Kallenburg (former/alternate name of Philip vom Kalenberg)
- Phillipa Pengrych (former/alternate name of Philippa Bengrych)
- Phillipa Wildefuhel (former/alternate name of Philippa Wildefuhel)
- Phillipe Gaston
- Phoebe of Southron Gaard
- Phridory the Vain
- Pierre Edouard Poitevin
- Piers of Malmesbury
- Pieternelle Van De zon Dal Of Boesenberg (former/alternate name of Pieternelle van der Sande)
- Pieternelle van der Sande
- Pietro del Toro Rosso
- Pietro di Roma
- Pip of Ildhafn
- Pipa Sparkes
- Piper Alicia of House Manolas
- Pippa of Calontir (former/alternate name of Pipa Sparkes)
- Pippin Baskin
- Pippin of Loch Indin
- Plaisance de Bellegarde
- Plente de Sassi (former/alternate name of Helayne Quynteyn)
- Pol Potigier
- Politarchopolan Assault Catering Corps
- Pony of Lochac
- Portia de Bruges (former/alternate name of Porzia Vincenzo)
- Portia Vincenzo (former/alternate name of Porzia Vincenzo)
- Porzia Vincenzo
- Praun de Barbi (former/alternate name of Ares humnoidos)
- Prffen Schorhendorf (former/alternate name of Hanns Bogsdorffer)
- Primislava of Rowany
- Primislava Wandrownyczka (former/alternate name of Primislava of Rowany)
- Prospero ab Aqua
- Prospero de Luca Greco (former/alternate name of Prospero ab Aqua)