Pietro del Toro Rosso
- Award of Arms
- given by Prince Styvyn and Princess Rhyllian,
- on 30 September 1989,
- at Spring Coronet Tourney (30 Sep - 2 Oct 1989 at Mount Crawford State Forest Reserve, Williamstown SA).
- Silver Tear
- given by Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I,
- on 16 February 1991,
- at Stormhold Baronial Investiture (16-17 Feb 1991 at Ormond College, Melbourne University VIC).
- Rose Leaf
- given by Prince Elffin IV and Princess Rowan II,
- on 9 May 1992,
- at May Coronet AS XXVII (9-11 May 1992 at Mount Crawford State Forest Reserve, Williamstown SA).
- Leaf of Merit
- given by Prince Finnian and Princess Lucrezia,
- on 4 November 1995,
- at Sovereign Feast and Royal Surprise Tourney (4-5 Nov 1995 at Malvern Uniting Church Hall / Hazelwood Park SA).
- Pelican
- given by King Uther II and Queen Osa I (The West),
- on 12 June 1999,
- at Winter Collegium and Ambassadors' Feast (12-14 Jun 1999).
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