Baronial tenures
King John I and Queen Gabriel I (The West)
Awards Given During the Reign
- Artos Barefoot, Grant of Arms on 27 August 1994
- Isabeau of the Wylde Woode, Grant of Arms on 27 August 1994
- Kyla of Caladh, Laurel on 27 August 1994
- Alfar of Attica, Chivalry on 27 August 1994
- Megan nic Alister of Thornwood, County on 27 August 1994
- Megan nic Alister of Thornwood, Rose on 27 August 1994
- Jessica Wynter of Fearn Abbey, Pelican on 27 August 1994
- Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands, Knight Bannerette on 27 August 1994
- Kane Greymane, Pelican on 27 August 1994
- Eleanor Lyttellhayles, Laurel on 28 August 1994
- Ysabeau Chanteuse, Pelican on 28 August 1994
- Sven the Stormdriven, Pelican on 28 August 1994
- Cornelius von Becke, Chivalry on 4 September 1994
- Veniamin Nafonovich Medvednikogotev, Commendabilis on 1 October 1994
- Endellion Aeron O'Maoilbhréanainn, Commendabilis on 1 October 1994
- Talia Margerita da Milano, Leaf of Merit on 29 October 1994
- Ragnar Magnússon, Chivalry on 26 November 1994
- Veniamin Nafonovich Medvednikogotev, Queen's Cypher (West) on 7 January 1995
- Endellion Aeron O'Maoilbhréanainn, Queen's Cypher (West) on 7 January 1995
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