Midwinter Coronet Investiture
Awards Received at Midwinter Coronet Investiture
- Aelfric of Dorcestre, Prince's Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Aislinn de Valence, Princess' Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Alaine Bartholomieu Lorenz, Royal Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Amos al-Musa, Silver Nock from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Beatrice Delfini, Roman Lilies from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Bede, Rose Leaf from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Bianca Macciadicci, Award of Arms from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Claire de la Mer, Princess' Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Conachar MacAlpin, Royal Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Corin the Restful, Prince's Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Daemon Deorc, Prince's Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Dana of the Green, Princess' Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Elffin of Mona, Prince's Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Gereint Scholar, Royal Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Gilchrist Morgan, Royal Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Iago Gallego, Rose Leaf from Prince Styvyn and Princess Rhyllian
- Iestyn ap Cadfael ap Ianto ap Danno ap Richard ap Owen ap Rhys o'r Cwm, Silver Nock from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Jessica Wynter of Fearn Abbey, Lochac Order of Grace from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Lavinia of the Tyrol, Princess' Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Malak Boga, Silver Nock from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Marared coed Radnor, Award of Arms from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Morgan of the Eagle's Nest, Prince's Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Nissyen ap Howell, Royal Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Osgot of Corfe, Roman Lilies from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Peter the Uncertain, Prince's Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Rosce de Ferrieres, Royal Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Rowan Perigrynne, Princess' Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Rowena of Loxton, Viscounty from Prince Styvyn and Princess Rhyllian
- Sarah Jane Mander of Wenlock, Princess' Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Talietha of Bran-Innes, Royal Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Tomas Fitzsimon of Oxford, Royal Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Tovye Woolmongere, Silver Nock from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Tovye Woolmongere, Royal Cypher from Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena
- Valerian Zakharevitch Druzhinnik, Viscounty from Prince Styvyn and Princess Rhyllian
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