Labour Weekend 2023
Awards Received at Labour Weekend 2023
- Angele Marie de Savigny, King's Cypher on 21 October 2023 from King Ratbot and Queen katherine
- Astrid Iarnulfsdottir, Mouse Guard on 21 October 2023 from King Ratbot and Queen katherine
- Edward Braythwayte, Prometheus on 21 October 2023 from King Ratbot and Queen katherine
- Eleanor Hall, Rowan on 21 October 2023 from King Ratbot and Queen katherine
- Florence of Knightsbridge, Catkin on 21 October 2023 from King Ratbot and Queen katherine
- Giacoma Tovani, Award of Arms on 21 October 2023 from King Ratbot and Queen katherine
- Griete van Groningen, Taillefer on 21 October 2023 from King Ratbot and Queen katherine
- Katherina Weyssin von Regenspurk, Queen's Cypher on 21 October 2023 from King Ratbot and Queen katherine
- Melissa Wijffels, Golden Tear on 21 October 2023 from King Ratbot and Queen katherine
- Nathanael d'Avranches, Golden Tear on 21 October 2023 from King Ratbot and Queen katherine
- Saga, Award of Arms on 21 October 2023 from King Ratbot and Queen katherine
- Will Orlando, Star and Lily on 21 October 2023 from King Ratbot and Queen katherine
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