May Crown Tourney XLV
Awards Received at May Crown Tourney XLV
- Aegidius de Hanno, Award of Arms on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Aeron Lassair, Silver Pegasus on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Alliette Delecourt, Star and Lily on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Gomez de Crécy, Award of Arms on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Gudrun Bodvarsdottir, Court Barony on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Jǫtun-Þjóðrekr, Chivalry on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Keridwen the Mouse, Silver Pegasus on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Kilic ibn Sungur ibn al-Kazganci al-Turhani, Rowan on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Lindoret of Bryn Myrddin, Rapier on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Mael Muire ingen Alpin, Star and Lily on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Marit the Wanderer, Prometheus on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Medb ingen ind Iasachta, Silver Pegasus on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Mevanwy of Stormhold, Award of Arms on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Nathan Blacktower, Wreath of Chivalry on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Olwyn of Rowany, Award of Arms on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Siridean MacLachlan, Taillefer on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Táriq ibn Jelal ibn Ziyadatallah al-Naysábúrí, Prometheus on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Varndell Lynche, Wreath of Valour on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
- Yolande Kesteven, Golden Tear on 8 May 2010 from King Bran and Queen Leylii
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