Twelfth Night Investiture AS XXXI
Awards Received at Twelfth Night Investiture AS XXXI
- Acacia de Navarra, Princess' Cypher from Prince Alaric and Princess Nerissa
- Alaric of Bangor, Viscounty from Prince Corin III and Princess Keridwen III
- Bliss of Teine, Royal Cypher from Prince Alaric and Princess Nerissa
- Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora, Princess' Cypher from Prince Alaric and Princess Nerissa
- Douglas Fitzwilliam, Royal Cypher from Prince Alaric and Princess Nerissa
- Elaine Wentworth, Prince's Cypher from Prince Alaric and Princess Nerissa
- Félice d'Avignon, Princess' Cypher from Prince Alaric and Princess Nerissa
- Gabriella della Santa Croce, Pelican from King Cybi and Queen Victoria (The West)
- Joan Sutton, Prince's Cypher from Prince Alaric and Princess Nerissa
- Llewellyn de Guerre, Royal Cypher from Prince Alaric and Princess Nerissa
- Lucrezia of Ravenshold, Prince's Cypher from Prince Alaric and Princess Nerissa
- Marie de Lyon, Prince's Cypher from Prince Alaric and Princess Nerissa
- Mathilde Adycote of Mynheniot, Lochac Order of Grace from Prince Alaric and Princess Nerissa
- Monique de la Maison Rouge, Laurel from King Cybi and Queen Victoria (The West)
- Nerissa de Saye, Viscounty from Prince Corin III and Princess Keridwen III
- Rhianwen of Rhuddlan, Award of Arms from Prince Alaric and Princess Nerissa
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