Hassan ibn Ysau
- Award of Arms
- given by King Rolf II and Queen Lachlin II (The West),
- on 23 August 1986,
- at Purgatorio Coronation (West) (23-24 Aug 1986 at Ferndale, CA).
- Rose Leaf
- given by Prince Styvyn and Princess Rhyllian,
- on 1 October 1989,
- at Spring Coronet Tourney (30 Sep - 2 Oct 1989 at Mount Crawford State Forest Reserve, Williamstown SA).
- Laurel
- given by King Jade V and Queen Shaheena I (The West),
- on 10 November 1990,
- at Festa Dalla Belladonna Sensa Curare (10 Nov 1990 at Dulwich Church Hall, Dulwich SA).
- Rowan
- given by Prince Aylwin and Princess Ingerith,
- on 12 December 1992,
- at Yule Ball and Revel (12 Dec 1992 at Tusmore Masonic Hall, Tusmore SA).
- Silver Tear
- given by Prince Alaric and Princess Nerissa,
- on 5 October 1996,
- at Innilgard Baronial Investiture (5 Oct 1996 at Findon Uniting Church Hall, Findon SA).
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