Gabriel de Beaumont
- Award of Arms
- given by Prince Ragnar and Princess Bliss,
- on 23 August 1997,
- at Hochjadgsfest III (High Hunt) (23-24 Aug 1997 at 267 Garden Rd, Rochedale, Brisbane, QLD, AU).
- Silver Tear
- given by Prince Ædward and Princess Yolande,
- on 4 September 1999,
- at Comilona de Sendacion (4-5 Sep 1999).
- Leaf of Merit
- given by King Jade XI and Queen Siobhan II (The West),
- on 17 June 2000,
- at Michaelmas III (17 Jun 2000).
- Leaf of Merit
- given by Prince Gui and Princess Ælfled,
- on 16 June 2001,
- at Grand Winter Ball and Tourney (16-17 Jun 2001 at Ball - Graceville United Church, Graceville, Tourney - Prentice Park, Lutwyche, QLD, AU.).
- Rowan
- given by Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve,
- on 9 February 2002,
- at St Florian Collegia (9-10 Feb 2002 at Norman Park Uniting Church Hall, Norman Park, QLD, AU).
- Pelican
- given by King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I,
- on 3 August 2002,
- at Northern War (2-4 Aug 2002 at Allawah Scout Camp, Chuwar, QLD, AU.).
- Star and Lily
- given by King Alaric and Queen Nerissa,
- on 8 November 2003,
- at 10 Year Anniversary Event (8 Nov 2003).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Draco I and Queen Serena I,
- on 8 January 2005,
- at Twelfth Night Coronation (8-9 Jan 2005 at Coldstream Community Centre, Coldstream, VIC AU).
- Court Barony
- given by King Stephen and Queen Mathilde,
- on 18 June 2005,
- at Baronial Investiture of Giles and Maud (18 Jun 2005).
- Chivalry
- given by King Alfar II and Queen Gudrun II,
- on 10 June 2007,
- at Great Northern War IX (8-11 Jun 2007 at Baden Powel Scout Park, Samford (Brisbane), QLD, AU.).
- King's Cypher
- given by King Berenger and Queen Bethan,
- on 4 July 2008,
- at Lochac Midwinter Coronation (4-6 Jul 2008 at Camp Leschenaultia, Chidlow, WA, AU).
- County
- given by King Bran and Queen Leylii,
- on 9 January 2010,
- at Twelfth Night in Okewaite AS XLIV (8-10 Jan 2010 at Old Goulburn Brewery, St Saviour’s Anglican Cathedral & Cockatrice Farm, Goulburn, NSW, AU).
- Miles Regni
- given by King Bran and Queen Leylii,
- on 12 June 2010,
- at Great Northern War (11-14 Jun 2010 at Baden Powel Park, Samford Village, QLD, AU.).
- Lochac Order of Grace
- given by King Edmund and Queen Leonor,
- on 27 November 2010,
- at St Florians Baronial Changeover Tourney & Feast (27 Nov 2010 at Cavendish Rd High School, Holland Park, QLD, AU.).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Edmund and Queen Leonor,
- on 15 January 2011,
- at Twelfth Night - A Celebration of a Coronation (15-16 Jan 2011 at Aspen Island, Lake Burley Griffin, & Nara Peace Park, Lennox Gardens, Canberra, ACT, AU.).
- Duchy
- given by King Siridean II and Queen Margie,
- on 9 June 2012,
- at Great Northern War AS XLVII (8-11 Jun 2012 at BP Park, Samford Village, QLD AU).
- Silver Helm
- given by King Siridean II and Queen Margie,
- on 10 June 2012,
- at Great Northern War AS XLVII (8-11 Jun 2012 at BP Park, Samford Village, QLD AU).
- Prometheus
- given by King Henri and Queen Beatrice,
- on 18 August 2012,
- at Henry VIII: Single and sick of it (18 Aug 2012 at Graceville Hall, 215 Oxley Rd, Graceville QLD AU).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Felix I and Queen Eva I,
- on 9 June 2013,
- at Great Northern War XV (7-9 Jun 2013 at 68 Cash Ave, Samford QLD AU).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Rowland I and Queen Tailltiu I,
- on 21 July 2018,
- at Midwinter Coronation (21-22 Jul 2018 at Parish & Community of the Dormition of Our Lady & St Stephen’s Croquet Club).
- Augmentation of Arms
- given by King Felix II and Queen Eva II,
- on 20 April 2019,
- at Rowany Festival XXXVII (17-22 Apr 2019 at High Range, NSW).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Rowland II and Queen Tailltiu II,
- on 1 May 2021,
- at New Year Coronation (1-2 May 2021 at Darling Gardens, Clifton Hill, Victoria).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Alain and Queen Safiya,
- on 29 October 2022,
- at Spring Coronation (28-30 Oct 2022 at Braythwayte Manor, Hamurana, New Zealand).
- King's Favor (An Tir)
- given by King Octamasades and Queen Achaxe,
- on 6 January 2023,
- at An Tir Ethereal Court (6 Jan 2023).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Thibault and King Jayne,
- on 25 March 2023,
- at A Tournament of Roses (25 Mar 2023).
- King's Cypher
- given by King Ratbot and Queen katherine,
- on 11 November 2023,
- at Spring Coronation (11-12 Nov 2023 at Riverwood Community Centre, 151 Belmore Rd North, Riverwood NSW 2210).
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