This is the Order of Precedence for the kingdom of Lochac. Everyone in the database who's received an award is listed, in order according to their highest ranking award and the date they received it. More important awards (peerages, counties, duchies) come before less important ones like AoAs and Cockatrices. Where there's a tiebreaker required, it comes down to the precedence and dates of the other awards they've received. We list here the highest award and the number of other awards they have, for comparison. Unfortunately, awards listed in Canon Lore without a specific date received are unable to be used in calculating the Order of Precedence.
An Order of Precedence for a specific branch can be found in the branch's entry in Canon Lore. The Order of Precedence can be filtered to include residents of a particular region (Australia, New Zealand or Overseas) by clicking one of the regional options in the sidebar.
- 1. Paul of Bellatrix (Duchy + 20)
- 2. Frederick of Holland (Duchy + 49)
- 3. Eirikr Thorinsson (Duchy + 6)
- 4. Jade of Starfall (Duchy + 21)
- 5. Gavin Kilkenny of Kilcarren (Duchy + 14)
- 6. Juana Isabella de Montoya y Ramirez (Duchy + 9)
- 7. Elffin of Mona (Duchy + 17)
- 8. Gabriel of Greenwood (Duchy + 6)
- 9. John of Skye (Duchy + 4)
- 10. Megan nic Alister of Thornwood (Duchy + 27)
- 11. Cornelius von Becke (Duchy + 23)
- 12. Morwynna Branwynt (Duchy + 14)
- 13. Ædward Stadefæste (Duchy + 13)
- 14. Yolande Kesteven (Duchy + 19)
- 15. Draco de Euruic (Duchy + 9)
- 16. Asa Beiskalda (Duchy + 15)
- 17. Alfar of Attica (Duchy + 18)
- 18. Gudrun Bodvarsdottir (Duchy + 13)
- 19. Alaric of Bangor (Duchy + 21)
- 20. Nerissa de Saye (Duchy + 18)
- 21. Mari Alexander (Duchy + 44)
- 22. Siridean MacLachlan (Duchy + 14)
- 23. Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora (Duchy + 33)
- 24. Gabriel de Beaumont (Duchy + 25)
- 25. Niáll inn Orkneyski (Duchy + 24)
- 26. Liadan ingen Fheradaig (Duchy + 23)
- 27. Steffan Glaube (Duchy + 26)
- 28. Branwen verch Lewis ap Thomas (Duchy + 12)
- 29. Kinggiyadai Orlok (Duchy + 21)
- 30. Altani Khaligu Bekhi (Duchy + 21)
- 31. Felix Arnett von Danzig (Duchy + 18)
- 32. Eva von Danzig (Duchy + 25)
- 33. Jǫtun-Þjóðrekr (Duchy + 18)
- 34. Engelin Teufel (Duchy + 23)
- 35. Rowland Bridgeford (Duchy + 15)
- 36. Tailltiu ghoirt ruaidh (Duchy + 12)
- 37. Sabine du Bourbonnais (Duchy + 21)
- 38. Phillip Harlech of Exeter (County + 16)
- 39. Linda of the Lakelands (County + 16)
- 40. Morgan fitzArthur de Grey (County + 8)
- 41. Veniamin Nafonovich Medvednikogotev (County + 20)
- 42. Endellion Aeron O'Maoilbhréanainn (County + 16)
- 43. Catalina Oro Sol (County + 11)
- 44. Porzia Vincenzo (County + 19)
- 45. Mathilde Adycote of Mynheniot (County + 15)
- 46. Stephen Aldred (County + 16)
- 47. Hugh the Little (County + 10)
- 48. Theresa Cummins (County + 7)
- 49. Bethan Daniels of Brockwood (County + 19)
- 50. Berenger of Nancy (County + 12)
- 51. Siban ingen Robartaig (County + 3)
- 52. Bran na torcdubh mac Brude (County + 20)
- 53. Leylii bint Hızır (County + 26)
- 54. Leonore d'Scotia (County + 9)
- 55. Edmund of Shotley (County + 10)
- 56. Elizabeth de Foxle (County + 6)
- 57. Margie of Glen More (County + 16)
- 58. Aryanhwy merch Catmael (County + 11)
- 59. Henri de Montferrant (County + 16)
- 60. Beatrice Maria Malatesta (County + 19)
- 61. Angharat Benbras (County + 3)
- 62. Gilbert Purchase (County + 8)
- 63. Bethony Gaitskell (County + 8)
- 64. ThorolfR olfuss Brandsson (County + 22)
- 65. Halla Vinagjafar Hrafnsdóttir (County + 14)
- 66. Ariston Hegelochou (County + 14)
- 67. Lilavati of Lochac (County + 8)
- 68. Guillaume d'Oze (County + 22)
- 69. Miriam de Mont Noir (County + 11)
- 70. Leofric Willoughby de Broke (County + 14)
- 71. Alain Quartier (County + 19)
- 72. Safiya bint 'Abd al-Shahid (County + 11)
- 73. Thibault Nesti de Danzig (County + 6)
- 74. Jayne Hunter (County + 10)
- 75. katherine kerr (County + 16)
- 76. Ratbot von Borg (County + 16)
- 77. Aonghus mac Griogair mhic Raghnaill (County + 10)
- 78. Ginevra Lucia di Namoraza (County + 13)
- 79. Bain of Stornoway (County + 16)
- 80. Iglesia Delamere (County + 11)
- 81. Kareina Talventytär (Visc + 8)
- 82. Eleanor Lyttellhayles (Visc + 7)
- 83. Talietha of Bran-Innes (Visc + 5)
- 84. Corin Anderson (Visc + 10)
- 85. Gabriella della Santa Croce (Visc + 11)
- 86. Valerian Zakharevitch Druzhinnik (Visc + 3)
- 87. Rowena of Loxton (Visc + 5)
- 88. Rhyllian of Starfire Retreat (Visc + 6)
- 89. Styvyn Longshanks (Visc + 6)
- 90. Rowan Perigrynne (Visc + 27)
- 91. Haos Windchaser (Visc + 18)
- 92. Bryony Beehyrd (Visc + 13)
- 93. Keridwen the Mouse (Visc + 16)
- 94. Elayne Montjoy (Visc + 8)
- 95. Kane Greymane (Visc + 15)
- 96. Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada (Visc + 21)
- 97. Gerald Swinford (Visc + 4)
- 98. Alisaundre de Kilmaron (Visc + 5)
- 99. Aylwin Greymane (Visc + 16)
- 100. Ingerith Ryzka (Visc + 13)