Joie Tigre d'Argentona
- Award of Arms
- given by King Alfar I and Queen Elspeth I,
- on 7 December 2002,
- at Rowany Yule AS XXXVII (7 Dec 2002 at Sydney).
- Star and Lily
- given by King Stephen and Queen Mathilde,
- on 5 February 2005,
- at Stowe Faire I (4-6 Feb 2005 at Austral Girl Guides Camp, Austral, Sydney, NSW, AU).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Ædward II and Queen Yolande II,
- on 11 June 2006,
- at Cold War goes Forth (10-11 Jun 2006 at Tara Girl Guides Camp, Silverdale, NSW AU).
- Queen's Cypher
- given by King Ædward II and Queen Yolande II,
- on 8 July 2006,
- at Midwinter Coronation (7-9 Jul 2006 at Lake Karapiro Domain, Cambridge, NZ.).
- Lochac Order of Grace
- given by King Alfar II and Queen Gudrun II,
- on 16 June 2007,
- at Rowany Baronial Investiture (16 Jun 2007 at Imar Community Hall, Croydon (Sydney), NSW, AU).
- Laurel
- given by King Bran and Queen Leylii,
- on 5 April 2010,
- at Rowany Festival XXVIII (1-6 Apr 2010 at Glenworth Valley, Peats Ridge, NSW, AU.).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Kinggiyadai I and Queen Altani I,
- on 4 July 2015,
- at Midwinter Coronation A.S. L (3-5 Jul 2015 at Brown Hill Public Hall, Ballarat ).
- Court Barony
- given by King Theuderic II and Queen Engelin II,
- on 16 February 2020,
- at Honey and Roses: St Valentines Harvest (16 Feb 2020 at Garran Scout Hall, ACT. ).
- Gratia Coronae
- given by King Theuderic II and Queen Engelin II,
- on 5 December 2020,
- at Politarchopolis Champions of the Gryphon (5 Dec 2020 at Tuggeranong Archery Club, 299 Soward Way).
- Golden Tear
- given by King Leofric and Queen Sabine II,
- on 17 April 2022,
- at Rowany Festival XXXVIII (14-18 Apr 2022 at High Range, NSW).
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