Edine Godin
- Award of Arms
- given by King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I,
- on 17 October 2009,
- at Royal Feast at the Alhambra and Baroness's Championship Tourney (17-18 Oct 2009 at North Adelaide Community Centre, North Adelaide, SA, AU).
- Golden Tear
- given by King Edmund and Queen Leonor,
- on 25 September 2010,
- at La Prova Dura (24-26 Sep 2010 at Crystal Lake Camp, Macclesfield, SA, AU.).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Gabriel II and Queen Constanzia II,
- on 2 July 2011,
- at Midwinter Coronation - Jewels of Lochac (2-3 Jul 2011 at Bethania Community Centre, Bethania & Springwood Little Athletics, Meadowbrook, QLD, Au.).
- Star and Lily
- given by King Siridean II and Queen Margie,
- on 7 July 2012,
- at Midwinter Coronation AS XLVII (7-8 Jul 2012 at Adelaide-Mannum Rd, Gumeracha SA AU).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Felix I and Queen Eva I,
- on 30 June 2013,
- at Bal d'Argent (29-30 Jun 2013 at Hillcrest Community Centre, Queensborough Ave, Hillcrest SA AU et al.).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Gilbert and Queen Bethony,
- on 19 June 2016,
- at Innilgard 30th Anniversary & Investiture (18-19 Jun 2016 at Malvern Uniting Church, Malvern SA, and Rex Jones Reserve, North Plympton, SA).
- Rapier
- given by King ThorolfR and Queen Halla,
- on 3 September 2016,
- at Wargames of the Thaw (Thaw War) (2-4 Sep 2016 at Treetops Camp & Activity Centre, Riddells Creek, Victoria).
- Silver Pegasus
- given by King Rowland I and Queen Tailltiu I,
- on 1 April 2018,
- at Congregatus Australis (30 Mar - 2 Apr 2018 at Clifford Park Activity Centre).
- Pelican
- given by King Rowland II and Queen Tailltiu II,
- on 21 March 2021,
- at Innilgard Rapier Championship (21 Mar 2021 at Mellor Reserve, Brand Street Beulah Park, Adelaide).
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