Ari Egillsdottir
- resident of Innilgard
- formerly or alternatively known as Ari Egilldótter
- formerly or alternatively known as Ari Eggilsdottir
- 3204th in sequence in the Order of Precedence
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Oze and Queen Miriam,
- on 12 September 2021,
- at Not Crown Tournament (11-12 Sep 2021).
- Award of Arms
- given by King Oze and Queen Miriam,
- on 13 November 2021,
- at Spring Crown and Coronation AS LV (13-14 Nov 2021 at Midway Point Community Hall, 31-37 Raynors Rd, Midway Pt, Tasmania, 7171).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Alain and Queen Safiya,
- on 29 October 2022,
- at Spring Coronation (28-30 Oct 2022 at Braythwayte Manor, Hamurana, New Zealand).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Thibault and King Jayne,
- on 18 March 2023,
- at Royal Pas d'Armes (18 Mar 2023 at Harry Bowey Reserve Riversdale Dr, Salisbury Park SA 5109).
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