Richard de la Croix
- Roman Lilies
- given by Viceroy Hugh and Vicereine Merewyn,
- on 4 January 1986,
- at Twelfth Night Investiture (4 Jan 1986 at St Edmunds Hall, Griffith, ACT).
- Award of Arms
- given by King Michael and Queen Iseult (The West),
- on 4 January 1986,
- at Twelfth Night Coronation (West) (4 Jan 1986 at Reno, NV).
- Rose Leaf
- given by King Rolf II and Queen Lachlin II (The West),
- on 26 July 1986,
- at Ducal Prize Tournament (West) (26-27 Jul 1986 at Santa Rosa, CA).
- Laurel
- given by King Jade I and Queen Anastacia I (The West),
- on 11 July 1987,
- at Lochac First Coronet Investiture (11 Jul 1987).
- Silver Nib
- given by King Stephen II and Queen Sariya II (The West),
- on 2 January 1988,
- at Twelfth Night Investiture (2-3 Jan 1988 at Holy Family Hall, Mount Waverly VIC).
- Chivalry
- given by King Jade II and Queen Anastacia II (The West),
- on 2 April 1988,
- at Rowany Festival VI (31 Mar - 4 Apr 1988 at Fairholme Park, Wilton).
- Leaf of Merit
- given by Prince Valerian and Princess Rowena,
- on 25 March 1989,
- at Rowany Festival VII and Autumn Coronet (23-28 Mar 1989 at Fairholme Park, Wilton).
- Silver Helm
- given by Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I,
- on 1 April 1991,
- at Rowany Festival IX (28 Mar - 1 Apr 1991 at Fairholme Park, Wilton).
- Lochac Order of Grace
- given by Prince Vladimir and Princess Huraiwa,
- on 10 July 1999,
- at Midwinter Coronet Investiture AS XXXIV (10-11 Jul 1999 at Hale Senior School, Wembley, WA, AU).
- Pelican
- given by King Jade X and Queen Adina (The West),
- on 6 November 1999,
- at Spring Coronet AS XXXIV (6-7 Nov 1999 at Cottermouth Scout Camp, Stromlo, ACT, AU).
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