Baronial tenures
King Fabian II and Queen Cyneswith II (The West)
Awards Given During the Reign
- Gabriel of Greenwood, Rose on 7 January 1995
- Veniamin Nafonovich Medvednikogotev, Chivalry on 7 January 1995
- Gabriel of Greenwood, County on 7 January 1995
- John of Skye, County on 7 January 1995
- Félice d'Avignon, Rose Leaf on 8 April 1995
- William Castille, Award of Arms on 8 April 1995
- Rashid al Faqih, Leaf of Merit on 8 April 1995
- Johanna Wendover, Court Barony on 8 April 1995
- Morna of River Haven, Leaf of Merit on 8 April 1995
- Everard de Brieuse, Court Barony on 8 April 1995
- Cathleen de Barre, Rose Leaf on 9 April 1995
- Muirghein ni Ghrainne, Grant of Arms on 9 April 1995
- Craig Eideard MacGhille Aindrais, Rose Leaf on 9 April 1995
- Crisiant Dreigben, Leaf of Merit on 9 April 1995
- Vittoria del Fiore, Leaf of Merit on 17 April 1995
- Gertrud von Ritzebüttel, Leaf of Merit on 17 April 1995
- Juan Sanchez de Mendoza y Loyola, Rose Leaf on 17 April 1995
- Wulfsige Clovenhaft, Court Barony on 17 April 1995
- Tomas d'Alvarez, Rose Leaf on 17 April 1995
- Gregory of Loch Swan, Queen's Order of Grace on 17 April 1995
- Brúsi of Dragonvale, Royal Company of Yeomen on 17 April 1995
- Tanw the Confused, Rose Leaf on 17 April 1995
- Gunnric Mac Alpin, Laurel on 17 April 1995
- Talia Margerita da Milano, Queen's Cypher (West) on 29 April 1995
- Ekaterina von Pferdberg, Rose Leaf on 29 April 1995
- Ekaterina von Pferdberg, Queen's Cypher (West) on 29 April 1995
- Paul of Bellatrix, Commendabilis on 23 June 2001
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