- Awards
- All
- Æthelmearc
- An Tir
- Artemisia
- Atenveldt
- Atlantia
- Caid
- Calontir
- Drachenwald
- Ealdormere
- Lochac
- Meridies
- Northshield
- Outlands
- The East
- The Middle
- The West
- Trimaris
Lord / Lady of Lochac
- This honour is given to the companion of the Champion of Lochac. If the crown is unable to reign then the Champion and Lord / Lady of Lochac will jointly reign as regent.
- from Lochac
- abbreviation: LL
Award abreviations listed in Canon Lore are not authoritative, as many Kingdoms (including Lochac) do not specify abbreviations for awards. Where specified by Kingdom Law, such award abbreviations used are used (sometimes modified by addition of a kingdom), where absent, abbreviations have been made up.
Roll of Arms, alphabetical
- Alesia au Cheval Blanc on 11 November 2023 from King Aonghus and Queen Ginevra
- Alesia au Cheval Blanc on 10 January 2015 from King Kinggiyadai I and Queen Altani I
- Alesia au Cheval Blanc on 10 January 2021 from King Rowland II and Queen Tailltiu II
- Bethan Daniels of Brockwood on 12 January 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Branwen verch Lewis ap Thomas on 9 July 2016 from King ThorolfR and Queen Halla
- Catalina Oro Sol on 4 July 2015 from King Steffan I and Queen Branwen I
- Catherine de Arc on 21 July 2018 from King Kinggiyadai II and Queen Altani II
- Dallán ua Lorccáin on 30 November 2024 from King Kitan and Queen Alesia
- Engelin Teufel on 7 July 2012 from King Henri and Queen Beatrice
- Ginevra Lucia di Namoraza on 7 May 2022 from King Alain and Queen Safiya
- Ginevra Lucia di Namoraza on 1 May 2021 from King Oze and Queen Miriam
- Iglesia Delamere on 6 July 2013 from King Niáll I and Queen Liadan I
- katherine kerr on 13 July 2019 from King Niáll III and Queen Sabine I
- katherine kerr on 30 October 2022 from King Thibault and King Jayne
- Marienna Jensdatter on 6 January 2007 from King Alfar II and Queen Gudrun II
- Marienna Jensdatter on 4 July 2009 from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Medb ingen ind Iasachta on 5 July 2008 from King Siridean I and Queen Siban
- Porzia Vincenzo on 11 January 2003 from King Cornelius I and Queen Morwynna I
- Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada on 15 January 2011 from King Gabriel II and Queen Constanzia II
- Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada on 12 January 2008 from King Berenger and Queen Bethan
- Sabine du Bourbonnais on 12 January 2019 from King Felix II and Queen Eva II
- Sabine du Bourbonnais on 17 February 2018 from King Rowland I and Queen Tailltiu I
- Safiya bint 'Abd al-Shahid on 11 January 2020 from King Theuderic II and Queen Engelin II
- Salaberge de Granson on 5 July 2003 from King Alaric and Queen Nerissa
- Selivia de l'Estoile on 3 January 2004 from King Ædward I and Queen Yolande I
- Tailltiu ghoirt ruaidh on 22 July 2017 from King Steffan II and Queen Branwen II
- Tailltiu ghoirt ruaidh on 7 January 2017 from King Ariston and Queen Lilavati
- Tailltiu ghoirt ruaidh on 16 January 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Theresa Cummins on 8 July 2006 from King Draco II and Queen Asa II
- Theresa Cummins on 3 July 2004 from King Draco I and Queen Serena I
- Ute von Tangermünde on 4 May 2024 from King Bain and Queen Iglesia
- Yolande Kesteven on 9 July 2005 from King Cornelius II and Queen Morwynna II