Twelfth Night Coronet Investiture
Awards Received at Twelfth Night Coronet Investiture
- Aislinn de Valence, Princess' Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Antonia Ambrosia Illirica, Lochac Order of Grace on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Aylwin Greymane, Princess' Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Cait Martinus, Award of Arms on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Ceridwen ferch Dafydd ap Cradog, Prince's Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Craig Eideard MacGhille Aindrais, Royal Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Crisiant Dreigben, Princess' Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Elayne Montjoy, Princess' Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Elayne Montjoy, Rose Leaf on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Elffin of Mona, Rowan on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Elffin of Mona, Royal Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Evelynne van der Haagen, Royal Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Gilbert of Ynys Fawr, Award of Arms on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Gryffon du Lac, Leaf of Merit on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Hal the Archer, Award of Arms on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Haos Windchaser, Prince's Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Isabeau of the Wylde Woode, Princess' Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Isabella de la Rochelle, Award of Arms on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Jessica Wynter of Fearn Abbey, Leaf of Merit on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Kane Greymane, Viscounty on 11 January 1992 from Prince Elffin IV and Princess Rowan II
- Lucrezia of Ravenshold, Rose Leaf on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Muirghein ni Ghrainne, Roman Lilies on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Muirghein ni Ghrainne, Royal Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada, Viscounty on 11 January 1992 from Prince Elffin IV and Princess Rowan II
- Rhyllian of Starfire Retreat, Prince's Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Richard of Dunheved, Rose Leaf on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Styvyn Longshanks, Prince's Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
- Ysabella Nicolla de Leon, Royal Cypher on 11 January 1992 from Prince Kane and Princess Rhianwen
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