May Coronet AS XXVII
Awards Received at May Coronet AS XXVII
- Alaric of Bangor, Leaf of Merit on 9 May 1992 from Prince Elffin IV and Princess Rowan II
- Arenvald von Hagenburg, Lochac Order of Grace on 9 May 1992 from Prince Elffin IV and Princess Rowan II
- Ciaran Faolchara, Award of Arms on 9 May 1992 from Prince Elffin IV and Princess Rowan II
- Hoskuld Atlason of Iceland, Silver Tear on 9 May 1992 from Prince Elffin IV and Princess Rowan II
- Isabeau of the Wylde Woode, Pelican on 9 May 1992 from King Jade VI and Queen Shaheena II (The West)
- Karias of Lockford, Award of Arms on 9 May 1992 from Prince Elffin IV and Princess Rowan II
- Llewellyn Judde of the Marches, Roman Lilies on 9 May 1992 from Prince Elffin IV and Princess Rowan II
- Mayv Skatha Rothgrogan, Award of Arms on 9 May 1992 from Prince Elffin IV and Princess Rowan II
- Mohammed ibn Kurry, Leaf of Merit on 9 May 1992 from Prince Elffin IV and Princess Rowan II
- Pietro del Toro Rosso, Rose Leaf on 9 May 1992 from Prince Elffin IV and Princess Rowan II
- Sigrid Olafsdottir, Court Barony on 9 May 1992 from King Jade VI and Queen Shaheena II (The West)
- Ulf Skeggison, Court Barony on 9 May 1992 from King Jade VI and Queen Shaheena II (The West)
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