New Years Feast
Awards Received at New Years Feast
- Annys Blodwell, Queen's Cypher (West) from King Uther IV and Queen Portia (The West)
- Bella Lucia da Verona, Rose Leaf from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Bonnie of Blessed Herman, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Cainnear RĂșad, Silver Tear from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Christopher of Innilgard, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Esla of Ifeld, Silver Tear from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Gregory of Loch Swan, Queen's Cypher (West) from King Uther IV and Queen Portia (The West)
- Gregory Tortouse de Sloleye, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Katerina da Brescia, Silver Tear from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Katy of Innilgard, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Leofwynn Wulfinga, Leaf of Merit from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Luca, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Magdalena di Franco, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Osgot of Corfe, Silver Helm from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Ruth of Blessed Herman, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Sean McCarrum, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Tostig atte Scelga, Award of Arms from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- Uberto Renaldi, Rowan from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
- William Forester de Blacwode, Silver Nock from Prince Gawyne and Princess Yve
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