Twelfth Night
Awards Received at Twelfth Night
- Adeline de Montfort, Star and Lily on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Arian of Shadowvale, Star and Lily on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Arnfinnr Ákason, Royal Cypher on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Arnfinnr Ákason, Silver Helm on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Conan MacAndreis, Court Barony on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Dragon Demonskyi, Royal Cypher on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Eoghann mac Aindreis, Royal Cypher on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Hrothgar aet Gytingbroce, Royal Cypher on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Hugh the Little, County on 12 January 2008 from King Berenger and Queen Bethan
- Isíbéal inghean Chorcráin, Royal Cypher on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Jane Rose Skye, Mouse Guard on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Jessica Wynter of Fearn Abbey, Lochac Order of Grace on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Kane Greymane, Champion of Lochac on 12 January 2008 from King Berenger and Queen Bethan
- Michael of Saburac, Award of Arms on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Miles de Colwell, Royal Cypher on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
- Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada, Lord / Lady of Lochac on 12 January 2008 from King Berenger and Queen Bethan
- Theresa Cummins, County on 12 January 2008 from King Berenger and Queen Bethan
- Theresa Cummins, Rose on 12 January 2008 from King Berenger and Queen Bethan
- Ulric Johansson, Prometheus on 12 January 2008 from King Hugh and Queen Theresa
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