Baronial tenures
King Hugh and Queen Theresa
Awards Given During the Reign
- Elise Marchand, Award of Arms on 7 July 2007
- Thordis Haraldsdottir, Award of Arms on 7 July 2007
- Lowrans Wilyamson, Award of Arms on 7 July 2007
- Alfar of Attica, Duchy on 7 July 2007
- William de Wyke, Golden Tear on 7 July 2007
- Thordis Haraldsdottir, Star and Lily on 7 July 2007
- Emma of Wolvercote, Prometheus on 7 July 2007
- Hrothgar aet Gytingbroce, Champion of Lochac on 7 July 2007
- Gudrun Bodvarsdottir, Duchy on 7 July 2007
- Beatrix Aðíslsdóttir y Jelling, Award of Arms on 8 July 2007
- Cwen Ælfrices Dohter, Taillefer on 8 July 2007
- Angus de Sommerville, Silver Helm on 8 July 2007
- Francesca Martini, Golden Tear on 8 July 2007
- Æsa Hrólfsdóttir, Golden Tear on 14 July 2007
- Tristan d'Avignon, Rowan on 14 July 2007
- Robin of St Monica, Award of Arms on 4 August 2007
- Paul de la Ville, Award of Arms on 4 August 2007
- Wulfgar jarnsiða, Golden Tear on 25 August 2007
- Padraig Fermoy, Silver Helm on 25 August 2007
- Beatrix Aðíslsdóttir y Jelling, Court Barony on 25 August 2007
- Froði of Scafell, Award of Arms on 25 August 2007
- Eirikr the Eager, Silver Helm on 25 August 2007
- Fineamhain an Einigh inghean ui Chonchobhair, Pelican on 1 September 2007
- Paul of Bellatrix, Cross of Lochac on 8 September 2007
- Adam the Red, Award of Arms on 8 September 2007
- Wolfram Flammenherz, Prometheus on 8 September 2007
- Brannos O'Irongardail, Cross of Lochac on 8 September 2007
- Burghardt von der Brandenburg, Award of Arms on 8 September 2007
- Ysobel de Miraval, Award of Arms on 19 October 2007
- ffride wlffsdotter, Star and Lily on 19 October 2007
- Annabelle Perrot, Award of Arms on 19 October 2007
- Clemens Gascoigne, Award of Arms on 19 October 2007
- Jack of Bordescros, Award of Arms on 20 October 2007
- Aylen de Hammeldone, Award of Arms on 20 October 2007
- Willim de Bredin of Darchester, Award of Arms on 20 October 2007
- Béoán Freborn, Taillefer on 20 October 2007
- James Douglas, Award of Arms on 20 October 2007
- Mathilde de Lilburne, Award of Arms on 20 October 2007
- Lafquina Filia Juliane, Award of Arms on 27 October 2007
- Catherine James of Glastonbury, Award of Arms on 27 October 2007
- Winnifred, Award of Arms on 27 October 2007
- Alexandra Hartshorne, Golden Tear on 27 October 2007
- Mercurio d'Etranger, Lochac Company of Archers on 27 October 2007
- Ceara Shionnach, Award of Arms on 27 October 2007
- Clement von Arlon, Award of Arms on 27 October 2007
- Sabine d'Antan, Lochac Company of Archers on 27 October 2007
- Owain Cantor ap Hughe, Golden Tear on 27 October 2007
- William Castille, Grant of Arms on 10 November 2007
- Orlando the Pure, Rowan on 10 November 2007
- Eleanor of Abergavenny, Golden Tear on 10 November 2007
- Alicia de Willoughby, Award of Arms on 10 November 2007
- Thomasina Mariscotti, Award of Arms on 10 November 2007
- Damian de Winton, Award of Arms on 10 November 2007
- Contarina la Bianca, Prometheus on 10 November 2007
- Beatrice Maria Malatesta, Court Barony on 10 November 2007
- Somerled of Redcliffe, Chivalry on 10 November 2007
- Nawojka Opalenska, Award of Arms on 17 November 2007
- Eva von Danzig, Silver Helm on 24 November 2007
- Collette de Harecourt, Rowan on 24 November 2007
- Garshta Rarsynkni, Award of Arms on 24 November 2007
- Robert of Strathconnan, Golden Tear on 24 November 2007
- Angus Galloway, Mouse Guard on 24 November 2007
- Sandro of Aragon, Mouse Guard on 24 November 2007
- Madelina of Duneheve, Award of Arms on 1 December 2007
- Drogo von Königsberg, Golden Tear on 1 December 2007
- Villana d'Angelos, Golden Tear on 1 December 2007
- Eown, Award of Arms on 1 December 2007
- Rosalind Beaufort, Award of Arms on 8 December 2007
- Morgaine of Saint Ursula, Award of Arms on 8 December 2007
- Jane Rose Skye, Mouse Guard on 12 January 2008
- Conan MacAndreis, Court Barony on 12 January 2008
- Eoghann mac Aindreis, Royal Cypher on 12 January 2008
- Jessica Wynter of Fearn Abbey, Lochac Order of Grace on 12 January 2008
- Arian of Shadowvale, Star and Lily on 12 January 2008
- Adeline de Montfort, Star and Lily on 12 January 2008
- Michael of Saburac, Award of Arms on 12 January 2008
- Dragon Demonskyi, Royal Cypher on 12 January 2008
- Isíbéal inghean Chorcráin, Royal Cypher on 12 January 2008
- Ulric Johansson, Prometheus on 12 January 2008
- Miles de Colwell, Royal Cypher on 12 January 2008
- Hrothgar aet Gytingbroce, Royal Cypher on 12 January 2008
- Arnfinnr Ákason, Silver Helm on 12 January 2008
- Arnfinnr Ákason, Royal Cypher on 12 January 2008
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