Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition Baronial Tourney/Feast
Awards Received at Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition Baronial Tourney/Feast
- Adair Mac Dermid, Rapier from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Alessandro von Florenz, Rowan from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands, Prometheus from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Ceara Shionnach, Golden Tear from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Donald Anderson, Award of Arms from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Helouys le Poer, Rowan from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Isobel le Bretoun, Pelican from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Karl Herzog of Saxony, Award of Arms from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Owain Cantor ap Hughe, White Scarf from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Porzia Vincenzo, Golden Tear from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Rowan Perigrynne, Prometheus from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
- Sigmund Spelmann, Golden Tear from King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I
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