Isobel le Bretoun
- Award of Arms
- given by Prince Vladimir and Princess Huraiwa,
- on 1 May 1999,
- at Foundation Feast (1 May 1999 at Torlyon).
- Award of Arms
- given by Prince Alfar V and Princess Liadan,
- on 24 November 2001,
- at Valhalla (23-25 Nov 2001 at Camp Cottermouth, Stromlo, ACT, AU.).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Stephen and Queen Mathilde,
- on 9 July 2005,
- at Midwinter Coronation (9-10 Jul 2005 at Klemzig Band Hall, Klemzig &Sun Bennet Memorial Reserve, Manningham, SA, AU).
- Lochac Order of Grace
- given by King Stephen and Queen Mathilde,
- on 9 July 2005,
- at Midwinter Coronation (9-10 Jul 2005 at Klemzig Band Hall, Klemzig &Sun Bennet Memorial Reserve, Manningham, SA, AU).
- Rowan
- given by King Alfar II and Queen Gudrun II,
- on 5 April 2007,
- at Rowany Festival XXV (5-9 Apr 2007 at Crossroads Medieval Village, Yass, NSW, AU).
- Pelican
- given by King Gabriel I and Queen Constanzia I,
- on 10 October 2009,
- at Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition Baronial Tourney/Feast (10 Oct 2009 at Corroboree Park, Ainslie, ACT, AU).
- Court Barony
- given by King Edmund and Queen Leonor,
- on 30 October 2010,
- at Politarchopolis Baronial Changeover (30 Oct 2010 at Canberra Archery Club, Lyneham & Majura Hall, Northside Community Centre, Dickson, ACT, AU.).
- Grant of Arms
- given by King Edmund and Queen Leonor,
- on 30 October 2010,
- at Politarchopolis Baronial Changeover (30 Oct 2010 at Canberra Archery Club, Lyneham & Majura Hall, Northside Community Centre, Dickson, ACT, AU.).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Gabriel II and Queen Constanzia II,
- on 2 July 2011,
- at Midwinter Coronation - Jewels of Lochac (2-3 Jul 2011 at Bethania Community Centre, Bethania & Springwood Little Athletics, Meadowbrook, QLD, Au.).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Felix I and Queen Eva I,
- on 6 July 2013,
- at Midwinter Coronation AS XLVIII (5-7 Jul 2013 at Tocal Agricultural College, Tocal Rd, Paterson NSW AU).
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