Rowany Festival XIII
Awards Received at Rowany Festival XIII
- Adeline de Montfort, Award of Arms on 17 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Alexander the Potter, Award of Arms on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Aoife ni Fhaoileáin, Silver Nock on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Bianca della Torre, Award of Arms on 17 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Brennan Halfhand, Rowan on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Brúsi of Dragonvale, Royal Company of Yeomen on 17 April 1995 from King Fabian II and Queen Cyneswith II (The West)
- Claudia de Lacey, Award of Arms on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Dafydd ap Donal ap Gwilym, Silver Tear on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Damocles Truhart, Award of Arms on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Dana of the Green, Lochac Order of Grace on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- David de Godelia, Award of Arms on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Eleanor of Caithness, Award of Arms on 17 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Gertrud von Ritzebüttel, Leaf of Merit on 17 April 1995 from King Fabian II and Queen Cyneswith II (The West)
- Gregory of Loch Swan, Queen's Order of Grace on 17 April 1995 from King Fabian II and Queen Cyneswith II (The West)
- Gunnric Mac Alpin, Laurel on 17 April 1995 from King Fabian II and Queen Cyneswith II (The West)
- Hrólfr Hreggvidharson, Silver Tear on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Hrothgar Breaksword, Award of Arms on 17 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Isabella of the Hoard, Award of Arms on 17 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Juan Sanchez de Mendoza y Loyola, Rose Leaf on 17 April 1995 from King Fabian II and Queen Cyneswith II (The West)
- Leonore d'Scotia, Award of Arms on unknown from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Liana Lubosa Zinanavich, Award of Arms on 17 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Mador de Mar, Silver Helm on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Mark of the Periphery, Silver Nock on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Oonagh O'Neill of the Blue Myst, Award of Arms on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Penny of Politarchopolis, Award of Arms on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Pol Potigier, Award of Arms on 17 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Rosamunde of Politarchopolis, Award of Arms on 17 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Tanw the Confused, Rose Leaf on 17 April 1995 from King Fabian II and Queen Cyneswith II (The West)
- The Major, Silver Tear on 17 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Tomas d'Alvarez, Rose Leaf on 17 April 1995 from King Fabian II and Queen Cyneswith II (The West)
- Ulfgar the Unspeakable, Roman Lilies on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Vittoria del Fiore, Silver Tear on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
- Vittoria del Fiore, Leaf of Merit on 17 April 1995 from King Fabian II and Queen Cyneswith II (The West)
- Wulfsige Clovenhaft, Court Barony on 17 April 1995 from King Fabian II and Queen Cyneswith II (The West)
- Yvonne de Plumetot, Silver Tear on 15 April 1995 from Prince Alfar II and Princess Isabeau
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