Niáll inn Orkneyski
- Award of Arms
- given by King Theuderic I and Queen Engelin I,
- on 14 February 2009,
- at St Valentine's Day (14 Feb 2009 at Corroboree Park Hall, Ainslie, Canberra, ACT, AU).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Cornelius III and Queen Elizabeth,
- on 17 December 2011,
- at Fields of Gold (16-18 Dec 2011 at Bungendore Showground, Mathews Lane, Bungendore NSW AU).
- Golden Sword
- given by King Siridean II and Queen Margie,
- on 18 February 2012,
- at The Feast of Venus (18 Feb 2012 at Nara Peace Park, Lennox Gardens, Canberra ACT AU).
- Silver Helm
- given by King Siridean II and Queen Margie,
- on 9 April 2012,
- at Rowany Festival XXX (5-10 Apr 2012 at Glenworth Valley, Peats Ridge NSW AU).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Felix I and Queen Eva I,
- on 9 June 2013,
- at Great Northern War XV (7-9 Jun 2013 at 68 Cash Ave, Samford QLD AU).
- County
- given by King Alfar III and Queen Angharat,
- on 11 January 2014,
- at Twelfth Night Coronation AS XLVIII (11-12 Jan 2014 at Goulburn NSW AU).
- Chivalry
- given by King Alfar III and Queen Angharat,
- on 21 April 2014,
- at Rowany Festival XXXII (17-22 Apr 2014 at High Range, NSW).
- Duchy
- given by King Kinggiyadai I and Queen Altani I,
- on 10 January 2015,
- at Twelfth Night XLIX (10-11 Jan 2015 at Harold Corr Community Centre).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Kinggiyadai I and Queen Altani I,
- on 4 July 2015,
- at Midwinter Coronation A.S. L (3-5 Jul 2015 at Brown Hill Public Hall, Ballarat ).
- Golden Tear
- given by King Steffan I and Queen Branwen I,
- on 14 November 2015,
- at Cena Mordenvallis (14 Nov 2015 at Riverside Park, Kooragang Wetlands).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Steffan I and Queen Branwen I,
- on 6 December 2015,
- at William Marshal 2015 (4-6 Dec 2015 at Bullarto Hall ).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Gilbert and Queen Bethony,
- on 9 July 2016,
- at Midwinter Coronation (9-10 Jul 2016 at University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW).
- Rowan
- given by King ThorolfR and Queen Halla,
- on 10 July 2016,
- at Midwinter Coronation (9-10 Jul 2016 at University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW).
- Wreath of Valour
- given by King ThorolfR and Queen Halla,
- on 5 November 2016,
- at November Crown Tournament + River Haven Baronial Changeover (5-6 Nov 2016 at Ashgrove Bowls Club, Ashgrove, QLD).
- Red Wyvern
- given by King ThorolfR and Queen Halla,
- on 26 November 2016,
- at Fields of Gold V (25-27 Nov 2016 at Bungendore Showground, Bungendore NSW).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King ThorolfR and Queen Halla,
- on 7 January 2017,
- at Twelfth Night Coronation (7-8 Jan 2017 at Tuggeranong Archery Club, Greenway ACT).
- Court Barony
- given by King Ariston and Queen Lilavati,
- on 7 January 2017,
- at Twelfth Night Coronation (7-8 Jan 2017 at Tuggeranong Archery Club, Greenway ACT).
- Star and Lily
- given by King Kinggiyadai II and Queen Altani II,
- on 8 December 2018,
- at Rowany Yule Feast & Baronial Changeover (8 Dec 2018 at Epping NSW).
- Champion of Lochac
- given by King Felix II and Queen Eva II,
- on 12 January 2019,
- at Twelfth Night Coronation (12-13 Jan 2019 at Grantville Lodge, VIC).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Theuderic II and Queen Engelin II,
- on 9 January 2021,
- at Twelfth Night Crown Tourney and Coronation (9-10 Jan 2021 at St John’s Anglican Church 45 Constitution Ave Reid ACT 2612).
- Silver Pegasus
- given by King Oze and Queen Miriam,
- on 24 July 2021,
- at Politarchopolis Winter Revel (24-25 Jul 2021 at Yarralumla Woolshed, 208 Cotter Rd, Weston ACT 2611).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Leofric and Queen Sabine II,
- on 17 April 2022,
- at Rowany Festival XXXVIII (14-18 Apr 2022 at High Range, NSW).
- Iron Chain
- given by King Sven I and Queen Rauokinn I (An Tir),
- on 23 April 2022,
- at Honor War (23-24 Apr 2022 at An Tir).
- Iron Chain of An Tir
- given by King Leofric and Queen Sabine II,
- on 7 May 2022,
- at Autumn Coronation (7 May 2022 at Beechworth Memorial Hall, 104 Ford Street, Beechworth, Victoria).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Aonghus and Queen Ginevra,
- on 22 April 2024,
- at 2024 Rowany Festival (17-22 Apr 2024).
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