Ilona Skaldja
- resident of Saint Ursula
- formerly or alternatively known as Ilona Miskolczi
- formerly or alternatively known as Ilona
- 724th in sequence in the Order of Precedence
- Award of Arms
- given by King Gabriel II and Queen Constanzia II,
- on 22 April 2011,
- at Rowany Festival XXIX including May Crown Tournament (21-26 Apr 2011 at Glenworth Valley, Peats Ridge, NSW, AU.).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Alfar III and Queen Angharat,
- on 5 July 2014,
- at Midwinter Coronation A.S.XLIX (5-6 Jul 2014 at ST Johns Church Hall, Ried ACT).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Kinggiyadai I and Queen Altani I,
- on 4 July 2015,
- at Midwinter Coronation A.S. L (3-5 Jul 2015 at Brown Hill Public Hall, Ballarat ).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Steffan I and Queen Branwen I,
- on 16 January 2016,
- at Twelfth Night Coronation (15-17 Jan 2016 at Waipara Boys Brigade Camp, 137 Darnley Road, Waipara, New Zealand).
- Taillefer
- given by King ThorolfR and Queen Halla,
- on 10 December 2016,
- at Rowany Yule (10 Dec 2016 at Petersham Town Hall, Petersham, NSW).
- Golden Tear
- given by King Steffan II and Queen Branwen II,
- on 9 December 2017,
- at Rowany Yule (9 Dec 2017 at Galston Community Hall,Galston, NSW).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Kinggiyadai II and Queen Altani II,
- on 12 January 2019,
- at Twelfth Night Coronation (12-13 Jan 2019 at Grantville Lodge, VIC).
- Court Barony
- given by King Thibault and King Jayne,
- on 14 April 2023,
- at Rowany Festival - The Return (13-17 Apr 2023 at High Range, NSW).
- Royal Cypher
- given by King Thibault and King Jayne,
- on 6 May 2023,
- at May Coronation (6-7 May 2023).
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