These are all the people whose names start with F who have ever received an award in Lochac, as far as the Canon database knows. Please notify the Canon Herald of any omissions or errors.
- Fabia Maxima
- Faelan mac Flainn
- Faelan O Taithligh
- Fagan of Innilgard
- Fagan the Butcher (former/alternate name of Fagan of Innilgard)
- Falcon of Adora (former/alternate name of Phalkon Ietēs)
- Falki hinn Beinlausi (former/alternate name of Fálki óþveginn)
- Fálki óþveginn
- Faolan of Adora
- Faolin of Burnfield
- Farleifr mjǫksiglandi
- Farulf Bjarnarson
- Faulcon Fysher
- Fearghus Carmichael
- Federyc de Herle
- Félice d'Avignon
- Felicia ad Aquam
- Felicity of Ildhafn
- Felicity of Rowany (former/alternate name of Riona of Caerleon)
- Felix Arnett (former/alternate name of Felix Arnett von Danzig)
- Felix Arnett von Danzig
- Felix de Coventre
- Felix Hunnerlippen
- Felix of Southron Gaard
- Fen mac Diog
- Fenissa Æriksdotter
- Fenissa AEriksdottir (former/alternate name of Fenissa Æriksdotter)
- Feodora Olenova Glebovicha
- Ferencné Érzsebet
- Fergal Duveglas
- Fergus an Feumail
- Fergus mac carthaig (former/alternate name of Fergus MacCarthaig)
- Fergus MacCarthaig
- Fergus Mór
- Fergus O'Brien of Axeford
- Fergus of Dismal Fogs (former/alternate name of Fergus MacCarthaig)
- Fergus the Useful (former/alternate name of Fergus an Feumail)
- Ferne McKitrick
- Ferran of Southron Gaard
- ffride wlffsdotter
- Fianna of Dismal Fogs
- Filippa Ginevra Francesca di Lucignano
- Fína ingen uí Scolaighe (former/alternate name of Fíne ingen uí Scolaighe)
- Fíne ingen uí Scolaighe
- Fineamhain an Einigh inghean ui Chonchobhair
- Fineamhain an Einigh ui Concobhair (former/alternate name of Fineamhain an Einigh inghean ui Chonchobhair)
- Finn Badgers
- Finn of Kraé Glas
- Finn of Saint Monica
- Finna Ulfsdottir
- Finnabhair an Einigh ui Binnech (former/alternate name of Fineamhain an Einigh inghean ui Chonchobhair)
- Finnabhair ni Binnech (former/alternate name of Fineamhain an Einigh inghean ui Chonchobhair)
- Finnabhair of Innilgard (former/alternate name of Fionnabhair inghean ui Mheadhra)
- Finnbjǫrn Skeggason
- Finnbjorn Skeggison (former/alternate name of Finnbjǫrn Skeggason)
- Finnechias the Hesitant
- Finnian O'Carroll
- Finnian of St Malachy (former/alternate name of Finnian O'Carroll)
- Finnian the Red
- Finnr Magnusson
- Finnr of St Kessog (former/alternate name of Mielikko Karvulakki)
- Fionghuine Mac Coinnich
- Fionghuine MacCoinnich (former/alternate name of Fionghuine Mac Coinnich)
- Fionnabhair inghean ui Mheadhra
- Fionnachta of St Ursula
- Fionnbharr Ui Niall (former/alternate name of Gregoire de Lille)
- Fionnghuala nic an tSionnaigh
- Fionnuala O'Riordain
- Fiora Forte
- Fiora Maria Vespucci
- Fiora of Politarchopolis (former/alternate name of Fiora Forte)
- Fiora of Stowe
- Fiora Vespucci (former/alternate name of Fiora Maria Vespucci)
- Firiel of the Green Wood
- Firkasse Digrskald (former/alternate name of Þurkus Digrskald)
- Flann se Gathyrde
- Flann Se Ghathard
- Fletcher of Saint Florian de la Riviere
- Fleur De Lys Florentine De Sade (former/alternate name of Fleur de Lys la Sade de Florentia)
- Fleur de Lys la Sade de Florentia
- Flóki Snorrason
- Florence of Knightsbridge
- Florence Watkyn
- Florie Attewood (former/alternate name of Angharad Rheged)
- Flur' de Olepenne
- Folclind Aurifaber
- Folkvé í Sáluhúsi
- Forrest McDoogal
- Frae Fitzalleyne
- Frances Affrica Ray
- Frances Huntington
- Francesca Cellini
- Francesca da Tivoli
- Francesca Hilarius
- Francesca Lucia Sammicheli
- Francesca Martini
- Francesca of Darchester (former/alternate name of Francesca Martini)
- Francesca of Southron Gaard
- Francesca of St Ursula (former/alternate name of Francesca Hilarius)
- Francesca Orsini
- Francesco Arcarius
- Francesco di Falco di Pietro Aviati vinattiere (former/alternate name of Francis Marvell)
- Francis de Monteath
- Francis Marvell
- Francis of Bath
- Francis of Hexham
- Francis Polevik
- Francisco of St Malachy
- Francisco Salazar
- François Henri Guyon
- Franz von Constanz
- Fraser Coney
- Fred Magnusson
- Frederick of Holland
- Frederick Suggitt
- Frederick von Gutrosen (former/alternate name of Frederick von Rosen)
- Frederick von Karlsberg
- Frederick von Rosen
- Frederik Ludovicus van der Meer
- Freiderik der Landstreicher (former/alternate name of Jǫtun-Þjóðrekr)
- Freya Haare in heppna
- Freya of Saint Ursula (former/alternate name of Freya Haare in heppna)
- Freya of Stornaway
- Freydís Háulfsdóttir
- Frida Durrinsdottir
- Fridda of Castelburn
- FriðælfR eldr Guðríðardóttir
- Fritz von Furchtenstein
- Froði of Scafell
- Frodi of Scarfell (former/alternate name of Froði of Scafell)
- Frosti af Ulfahol
- Frosti of Ulfahol (former/alternate name of Frosti af Ulfahol)
- Fulk aus Barstadt
- Fulk de Cherbourg
- Fulk the Short
- Fulko