Baronial tenures
King James VI and Queen Verena VI (The West)
Awards Given During the Reign
- Brusi of Orkney, Leaf of Merit on 26 August 1984
- Rowan Perigrynne, Pied d'Argent on 26 August 1984
- Rowan Perigrynne, Wooden Spoon on 26 August 1984
- Bryony Beehyrd, Leaf of Merit on 26 August 1984
- Lucrezia Lorenz, Award of Arms on 6 October 1984
- Ulf Skeggison, Award of Arms on 6 October 1984
- Brusi Anderson of the Shetlands, Leaf of Merit on 6 October 1984
- Alison of Ironshill, Award of Arms on 6 October 1984
- Ariella de Mar, Award of Arms on 6 October 1984
- William de la Montaigne Coupé, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Kilic ibn Sungur ibn al-Kazganci al-Turhani, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Glynhyvar of River Haven, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Aislinn de Valence, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Bran'sagan ó Gymru Newydd, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Dafydd ap Hywel Trawsfynydd, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Douglas Wallwalker, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Alarice Beatrix von Thal, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Guilliame Arnaut, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Timotheos Vlastaris, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Roberta of the Calling Woods, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Malak Boga, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Everard de Brieuse, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Leif Thorvalsson, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- John Warener of the Crossroads, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
- Ivette de Calais, Award of Arms on 5 January 1985
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