- Awards
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- Æthelmearc
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- Artemisia
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- Atlantia
- Caid
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- Ealdormere
- Lochac
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- Trimaris
Augmentation of Arms
The Augmentation of Arms is a rare honour, given within some kingdoms (although possible in all). The recipient is entitled to register a modification to their arms.
The form of an augmentation is not specified by a crown or law, this honour allows any form of augmentation which the College of Heralds permits to be registered based upon the rules for heraldic submissions.
In Lochac the Augmentation of Arms is described as "a special and very rare honour. Given only a few times in the history of the Kingdom, it entitles the recipient to register an addition or alteration to their Arms in consultation with the awarding Crown. An Augmentation of Arms may be granted to a group or individual at the discretion of the Crown. In the case of an individual, it would normally be for exceptional and/or prolonged service to the Kingdom of Lochac."
- abbreviation: AugA
Award abreviations listed in Canon Lore are not authoritative, as many Kingdoms (including Lochac) do not specify abbreviations for awards. Where specified by Kingdom Law, such award abbreviations used are used (sometimes modified by addition of a kingdom), where absent, abbreviations have been made up.
Roll of Arms, alphabetical
- Agro Agwesi on 12 May 2012 from King Siridean II and Queen Margie
- Alfar of Attica on 3 January 2004 from King Alaric and Queen Nerissa
- Anne de Tournai on 26 November 2022 from King Thibault and King Jayne
- Bartholomew Baskin on 22 April 2011 from King Gabriel II and Queen Constanzia II
- Brúsi of Dragonvale on 9 August 2007 from King Rurik III and Queen Angelik II (Æthelmearc)
- Cairistiona nic Bheathain on 5 December 2020 from King Theuderic II and Queen Engelin II
- Callum Macleod on 16 January 2016 from King Steffan I and Queen Branwen I
- Catherine de Arc on 16 November 2013 from King Niáll I and Queen Liadan I
- Constanzia Moralez y de Zamora on 13 February 2021 from King Rowland II and Queen Tailltiu II
- Cristoval Gitano on 30 October 2010 from King Edmund and Queen Leonor
- Dafydd of the Glens on 27 March 2022 from King Leofric and Queen Sabine II
- Elffin of Mona on 28 June 1997 from
- Gabriel de Beaumont on 20 April 2019 from King Felix II and Queen Eva II
- Genna inghean Braonáin uí Ámoinn on 13 October 2001 from
- Gilchrist Morgan on 14 April 2023 from King Thibault and King Jayne
- Glynhyvar of River Haven on 8 September 2012 from King Henri and Queen Beatrice
- Gregory of Loch Swan on 9 August 2007 from King Rurik III and Queen Angelik II (Æthelmearc)
- Gudrun Bodvarsdottir on 3 January 2004 from King Alaric and Queen Nerissa
- Gwynfor Lwyd on 3 December 2011 from King Cornelius III and Queen Elizabeth
- Haos Windchaser on 30 August 2015 from King Steffan I and Queen Branwen I
- Hrolf Herjolfssen on 4 June 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Hrothgar Breaksword on 1 April 2013 from King Felix I and Queen Eva I
- Karl Faustus von Aachen on 13 July 2013 from King Niáll I and Queen Liadan I
- katherine kerr on 21 January 2017 from King Ariston and Queen Lilavati
- Lukas von Ach on 18 June 2011 from King Michael IX and Queen Seonaid VII (Atlantia)
- Madelaine de Bourgogne on 4 June 2016 from King Gilbert and Queen Bethony
- Nathan Blacktower on 27 August 2017 from King Steffan II and Queen Branwen II
- Nicodemus Novello on 25 November 2023 from King Aonghus and Queen Ginevra
- Ragnar Magnússon on 2 October 2017 from King Steffan II and Queen Branwen II
- Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada on 6 June 2011 from King Gabriel II and Queen Constanzia II
- Rowan Perigrynne on 9 January 2021 from King Theuderic II and Queen Engelin II
- Rowan Perigrynne on 4 January 1992 from King Phillip and Queen Linda (The West)
- Sedalia MacNare on 19 August 1993 from
- Wolfram Flammenherz on 13 October 2001 from King Elffin IV and Queen Signy I (Drachenwald)
- Þorfinn Hrolfsson on 5 December 2015 from King Steffan I and Queen Branwen I