May Coronet/Investiture AS XXVI
Awards Received at May Coronet/Investiture AS XXVI
- Agro Agwesi, Prince's Cypher on 11 May 1991 from Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I
- Agro Agwesi, Chivalry on 11 May 1991 from King Stephan I and Queen Niobe I (The West)
- Angharad of Chester, Court Barony on 12 May 1991 from King Stephan I and Queen Niobe I (The West)
- Antonia Ambrosia Illirica, Prince's Cypher on 11 May 1991 from Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I
- Cornelius von Becke, Prince's Cypher on 11 May 1991 from Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I
- Daemon Deorc, Prince's Cypher on 11 May 1991 from Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I
- Elayne Montjoy, Award of Arms on 11 May 1991 from Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I
- Félice d'Avignon, Princess' Cypher on 11 May 1991 from Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I
- Glynhyvar of River Haven, Princess' Cypher on 11 May 1991 from Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I
- Gwynfor Lwyd, Princess' Cypher on 11 May 1991 from Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I
- Isabeau of the Wylde Woode, Prince's Cypher on 11 May 1991 from Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I
- Jonathon de Hadleigh, Award of Arms on 12 May 1991 from Prince Reynardine II and Princess Éibhleann
- Jonathon de Hadleigh, Rose Leaf on 12 May 1991 from King Stephan I and Queen Niobe I (The West)
- Keridwen the Mouse, Viscounty on 12 May 1991 from Prince Reynardine II and Princess Éibhleann
- Magdelena Elisa dei Mori, Prince's Cypher on 11 May 1991 from Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I
- Merewyn degli Fiore, Princess' Cypher on 11 May 1991 from Prince Elffin III and Princess Keridwen I
- Muirghein ni Ghrainne, Court Barony on 12 May 1991 from King Stephan I and Queen Niobe I (The West)
- Oláfr Thordarson, Award of Arms on 12 May 1991 from Prince Reynardine II and Princess Éibhleann
- Snorri Ottarsson, Court Barony on 12 May 1991 from King Stephan I and Queen Niobe I (The West)
- Suleiman ibn Turgut ibn Arslan, Court Barony on 12 May 1991 from King Stephan I and Queen Niobe I (The West)
- Susannah of Nottingham, Award of Arms on 12 May 1991 from Prince Reynardine II and Princess Éibhleann
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