Baronial tenures
King Stephen I and Queen Sariya I (The West)
Awards Given During the Reign
- Megan nic Alister of Thornwood, Pelican on 24 August 1986
- Francesca Cellini, Award of Arms on 26 August 1986
- Beornoth of Filey, Award of Arms on 8 November 1986
- Yusuf al-Isfahani, Award of Arms on 8 November 1986
- Viviane Morgaine de Burgh, Award of Arms on 8 November 1986
- Gareth of Greymarch, Award of Arms on 15 November 1986
- Dafydd of the Glens, Award of Arms on 15 November 1986
- Conachar MacAlpin, Award of Arms on 15 November 1986
- Tako Jiro, Award of Arms on 15 November 1986
- Myfanwy ferch Dafydd, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
- Benedetta de Spenser, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
- Frae Fitzalleyne, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
- Osgot of Corfe, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
- Daffyd ap Myrddin ap Daffyd Cigfan O'Mona, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
- Styvyn Longshanks, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
- Selivia de l'Estoile, Pelican on 3 January 1987
- Rashid al Faqih, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
- Nissyen ap Howell, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
- Elouise Huntington, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
- Mercedes de la Camarge, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
- Marguerité de Rada y Silva, Queen's Order of Grace on 3 January 1987
- Llewen the Unruly, Rose Leaf on 3 January 1987
- Lilian Guy of Swanton, Rose Leaf on 3 January 1987
- Jean le Reynard des Pyrenees, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
- Jarik Blackthorn, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
- Guilliame Arnaut, Laurel on 3 January 1987
- Eleanor Lyttellhayles, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
- Frances Huntington, Award of Arms on 3 January 1987
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