Baronial tenures
Prince Elffin I and Princess Talietha
Awards Given During the Reign
- Eleanor Lyttellhayles, Viscounty on 2 January 1988
- Alycia of Blessed Herman, Award of Arms on 8 January 1988
- Simon de Bruce, Award of Arms on 14 February 1988
- Gillam Adestan, Award of Arms on 12 March 1988
- Morag Ameredith, Award of Arms on 12 March 1988
- Jorund aux Méduse, Award of Arms on 19 March 1988
- Maeva Torfadottir, Award of Arms on 19 March 1988
- Filippa Ginevra Francesca di Lucignano, Award of Arms on 19 March 1988
- Myfanwy ferch Dafydd, Rose Leaf on 19 March 1988
- Thomas Buttesthorn of Ayle, Princess' Cypher on 22 March 1988
- Garth Grimstalker, Award of Arms on 1 April 1988
- Hoskuld Atlason of Iceland, Iron Spoon on 2 April 1988
- Jacques du Bar sur le Loup, Award of Arms on 9 April 1988
- Sarah Jane Mander of Wenlock, Award of Arms on 30 April 1988
- Antonia Ruccellai, Award of Arms on 7 May 1988
- Martin the Terrible, Award of Arms on 7 May 1988
- Jane Ascham, Award of Arms on 7 May 1988
- Osgot of Corfe, Leaf of Merit on 7 May 1988
- Rosce de Ferrieres, Award of Arms on 9 July 1988
- Alfar of Attica, Award of Arms on 9 July 1988
- Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada, Princess' Cypher on 9 July 1988
- Catherine the Friendly, Award of Arms on 9 July 1988
- Yiannis Damianos Draco, Award of Arms on 9 July 1988
- Gerald Swinford, Award of Arms on 9 July 1988
- Gerald Swinford, Prince's Cypher on 9 July 1988
- Simon de Bruce, Princess' Cypher on 9 July 1988
- Simon de Bruce, Prince's Cypher on 9 July 1988
- Rowena of Loxton, Princess' Cypher on 9 July 1988
- Duncan Morgan, Award of Arms on 9 July 1988
- Nissyen ap Howell, Rose Leaf on 9 July 1988
- Aurelian the Just, Award of Arms on 9 July 1988
- Earn Laf of Mordenvale, Award of Arms on 9 July 1988
- Juan de la Gard, Award of Arms on 9 July 1988
- James of Lochiel, Prince's Cypher on 9 July 1988
- Arianwen de Lynn, Princess' Cypher on 9 July 1988
- Isabella Contarini, Princess' Cypher on 9 July 1988
- Ila the Crafty, Award of Arms on 9 July 1988
- Ila the Crafty, Prince's Cypher on 9 July 1988
- Antonia Ambrosia Illirica, Princess' Cypher on 9 July 1988
- Claire de la Mer, Award of Arms on 9 July 1988
- Conachar MacAlpin, Leaf of Merit on 9 July 1988
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